David's Project 365

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#15 - A Fickle Beast

Postby davidc » Wed 16 Jan 2013, 10:09

Was far too tired after cutting & mounting 4 prints for the exhibition so went for a "simple" shot I had on my list to do. Camera porn I believe the term is :)

Also decided to get some strobism pratice in so took the flash kit out into the street. The aim was to get diffuse but semi interesting bokeh while making sure the camera was well lit and clearly the object of focus.

This thing is fickle because sometimes shots you think are going to be great turn out crappy, and other throwaway shots come out looking lovely. And beast because I need to learn how to use - and tame - it.


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Re: David's Project 365

Postby davidc » Thu 17 Jan 2013, 09:17

Caught this at the end of a photowallk around London, the fog was so thick but every so often the Sun would break through just enough to make the disc visible. It was a strange sight, seeing the buildings in the distance obscured but such a bright reflection on the nearby office building.

Cool day for a photowalk, really interesting light, and I found some places & inspiration for shoots on future days.


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Re: David's Project 365

Postby Nina » Thu 17 Jan 2013, 13:37

Nice one David. I noticed the sun going in and out of fog too yesterday, but couldn't take the picture I wanted to as i was on a bus and the effect didn't last anyway.


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Re: David's Project 365

Postby Rose » Thu 17 Jan 2013, 14:06

Nice :) Very ethereal
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Re: David's Project 365

Postby davidc » Thu 17 Jan 2013, 14:30

And a bit silly too - though it was PROBABLY ok in this case, as in I'm not injured, photographing the sun directly is a very, very bad idea for your eyesight and merely "very bad" for your camera too.

Think I was lucky really.
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#19 - Those New Shoes

Postby davidc » Thu 17 Jan 2013, 21:26

Wanted to try a bright field product shot here but every single guide I found said you needed a minimum of two lights. I only have one, so I've done the best I can. Was an interesting experiment, learned a lot and will definitely be trying again.
The whiskey is 59.3% which hasn't helped process it in photoshop :)

Given to me by a friend for Christmas so I can "learn whisky", check them out at http://www.smws.co.uk

Sticky Toffe Pudding for Dieters - 17/365 by cedarsphoto, on Flickr

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Re: David's Project 365

Postby Mike Farley » Fri 18 Jan 2013, 10:26

So it's all round to Dave's for a good evening! ;)

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#18 - Broken Snowflakes

Postby davidc » Sat 19 Jan 2013, 00:18

I took this using my 100mm macro lens and some extension tubes to get yet more magnification then stacked it using a freeware image stacking tool - reason being only a tiny sliver of the image was in focus at any one time so I needed to back up the camera ever so slightly each time, putting another slice of snowflake in focus, then take the pic. In all I took hundreds of shots but this is only about half a dozen - using all the ones I took crashed my PC twice :(

Still I'm really happy at the amount of detail you can see in the snowflake! It'ss given me some ideas for getting pics of complete snowflakes in the future but for now, enjoy the broken ones :)


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Re: David's Project 365

Postby Rose » Sat 19 Jan 2013, 10:39

Blimey, that's what I call dedication ! :o You need to get yourself a Mac David... ;)
It's s great shot, definitely worth the effort, well done.
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Re: David's Project 365

Postby davidc » Sat 19 Jan 2013, 21:37

Was a very, very long day and had no chance for a photo til I arrived home. I knew I wanted more strobism practice but wasn't sure what... my wife had an idea though :)

The point of this shot was a high key "fashion shoot" style image to really set off the sparkly bits of the shoe. While I like the sparkle effect (and it's reflection) I'm not sure I'm happy with how the high key has come out. Still... I promised I'd get some shots of these!

I might come back to them later in the year.

YN490 camera upper left @ 1/4 power

Those New Shoes - 19/365 by cedarsphoto, on Flickr

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