I have now paid the deposits covering 10 rooms, details below, including a spare. So for single occupancy its £25 and doubles are £50. This amount will be taken off each room during our visit and then you will pay for the accommodation and any evening meals & extra drinks you charge to your room.
Ive chosen to pay now as it allows at least a month before I have to pay my credit card bill off. If anyone has a PayPal account you can send the money to me that way (PM me for my email address). Otherwise a cheque or cash will do over the next month.
- myself
Mike & wife
Tina & Hub
Graham Cluer & wife
Tom Sherrin
Wally & Hillary
Finally, I have said I will contact them in October to confirm any changes that occur in the meantime i.e. partners not coming or cancellations etc and they seem very flexible on this point.
Any questions please ask.