iPad Pro

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Mike Farley
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iPad Pro

Postby Mike Farley » Sat 03 Oct 2015, 08:38

While I was looking for my new laptop, Davidc of this parish suggested that I go for the new iPad Pro instead. That sugestion appears to have some merit if this report from DPReview Connect is anything to go by. The hardware is powerful enough, it's the applications for image editing which are lacking. I would also add that that the connectivity of the the new iPad is restricted at the moment, which means for me that it cannot yet replace a laptop although the potential is definitely there. The question is whether other hardware and manufacturers and software producers will find it worth their while to commit to this new platform and anything similar introduced by Apple's rivals.

http://connect.dpreview.com/post/338060 ... fessionals

Mike Farley
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Re: iPad Pro

Postby davidc » Mon 05 Oct 2015, 06:27

From what I've read, Microsoft's Surface 3 Pro is a much better tool in this regard. It's interesting to see the confluence of laptop and tablet though, and watch what has happened over time.
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Mike Farley
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Re: iPad Pro

Postby Mike Farley » Mon 05 Oct 2015, 08:57

davidc wrote:From what I've read, Microsoft's Surface 3 Pro is a much better tool in this regard. It's interesting to see the confluence of laptop and tablet though, and watch what has happened over time.

Different approaches by the two companies driven by different needs. Apple wants to sell me separate products which work together, Microsoft has gone for OS convergence and expensive accessories. Microsoft no doubt needed to have a single OS as that was the best option to leverage its legacy and be assured of third party developer support. You only have to look at the lack of applications for Windows phone to see how it could have worked out if Microsoft had tried to emulate Apple. The Pro 3 is closer to the 12" MacBook in some ways with both having physical connectivity pared to the minimum. How long before everything connects wirelessly, I wonder?

Mike Farley
(Visit my website and blog - www.mikefarley.net)

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