Lightroom 6?

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Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

Lightroom 6?

Postby Mike Farley » Sun 19 Apr 2015, 11:11

Scott Kelby is trailing something big over on his website for an event which is happening on 21 April. It does not take much imagination to guess that the big announcement will be the long awaited Lightroom 6.* All the rumours I have seen to date have suggested that LR6 will be very similar to LR5** in the limited scope of its updates, but Kelby's announcement suggests that there might be more to it than than that. After all, the rumour sites persistently got the release date wrong (predicting that it would happen on various days during Marcxh) and as the last major change to Lightroom was in 2102, has Adobe really been doing little beind the scenes in the intervening period while its competitors have advanced? I for one would like to see improvements to the Raw processing engine where tests have shown that ACR is not quite up to the standard of other converters and better support for Fuji's unorthodox X-Trans sensor. We already know from an earlier Adobe announcement that only 64 bit processors will be supported in the new version of Lightroom. ... l-over-it/

* We will soon see what limits there are to the scope of my imagination. ;)

** LR5 always seemed to me to be more of a marketing release than a software engineering one, coming as it did in conjunction with the introduction of Adobe Creative Cloud to provide an added inducement for users to migrate.

Mike Farley
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