Low Cost Mountboard

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Mike Farley
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Low Cost Mountboard

Postby Mike Farley » Thu 28 Nov 2013, 09:58

With the exhibition coming up, is anyone interested in clubbing together to take advantage of Wessex Pictures' offer for low cost bulk purchase mountboard?

Prices start at £2-60 + VAT per sheet for packs of 10 and modest discounts are available for larger purchases. Provided we buy at least 75 sheets, delivery will be free. Assuming that we order a sufficient quanity to qualify for free delivery, the maximum cost per sheet will be £3-12, although with the discounts should end up being a bit lower than that. If we have a smaller order, a £7-50 + VAT delivery charge will apply and will be shared pro rata by those participating.

The club has previously bought Wessex Pictures own brand mountboard and it is of good quality, with many people using it for their prints. (Note that the discount for bulk orders has been reduced since we did this last year.) We normally buy White and Antique White as these are the most popular colours, but as there is a new lower minimum order of 10 sheets per colour, there is the opportunity to acquire some of the less commonly used hues if there are sufficient takers.


At present I do not have a car with the capability to transport A0 sheets to the club, so will require some assistance if we are to proceed with this.

If you are interested, the next step is to respond to this post, indicating the number of sheets and colours you require. If we do not have exactly the right numbers for multiples of 10 or 25, some adjustment might be necessary with people being asked to take slightly more or slightly less than their requested number. When you respond, could you also state whether you are able to assist with transport of the boards. I anticipate placing the order on 9 December with distribution taking place at the meeting of 18 December. I do not have facilities to store board over the Xmas period, so you will need to ensure that you can be at the meeting to collect your order or can make alternative arrangements.

Mike Farley
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Re: Low Cost Mountboard

Postby davidc » Thu 28 Nov 2013, 12:04

Definitely - I've gone through tons this year, not least because of using some as backdrops for water based photos :)
Probably 20 sheets though my car is small and can't be used to transport it.
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Mike Farley
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Re: Low Cost Mountboard

Postby Mike Farley » Thu 28 Nov 2013, 12:57

davidc wrote:Definitely - I've gone through tons this year, not least because of using some as backdrops for water based photos :)
Probably 20 sheets though my car is small and can't be used to transport it.

Thanks, Dave. I will also need to know which colours you want and have edited the original post to make this clearer.

Mike Farley
(Visit my website and blog - www.mikefarley.net)
Tom Sherrin
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Re: Low Cost Mountboard

Postby Tom Sherrin » Tue 03 Dec 2013, 14:32

Well done Mike. I assume the Antique White is similar to Cream, if not I'd be interested in purchasing 5 sheets of Cream/Ivory and 5 sheets of Black. Also, I am prepared to help collect and/or deliver the mountboards.
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Re: Low Cost Mountboard

Postby davidc » Tue 03 Dec 2013, 14:55

White for me please.
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Ronald Barker
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Re: Low Cost Mountboard

Postby Ronald Barker » Tue 03 Dec 2013, 16:04

Thanks Mike
I am flexible and don't mind white or antique white also up to 10 sheets. If any colours are being ordered I could be interested.
Mike Farley
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Re: Low Cost Mountboard

Postby Mike Farley » Tue 03 Dec 2013, 16:58

Tom Sherrin wrote:Well done Mike. I assume the Antique White is similar to Cream, if not I'd be interested in purchasing 5 sheets of Cream/Ivory and 5 sheets of Black. Also, I am prepared to help collect and/or deliver the mountboards.

Thanks for the offer to help transport the sheets, Tom. The antique white is indeed a creamy colour and most people use it for colour prints, with the white being better for mono. If I remember, I'll bring in some offcuts with me to the club tomorrow so that everyone can see for themselves.

Mike Farley
(Visit my website and blog - www.mikefarley.net)
Tom Sherrin
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Re: Low Cost Mountboard

Postby Tom Sherrin » Wed 04 Dec 2013, 17:24

In view of Ron's reply, if anyone wants a couple of black mountboards then I'd be happy to swap for another colour eg. Midnight Blue or a Green
Mike Farley
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Re: Low Cost Mountboard

Postby Mike Farley » Wed 04 Dec 2013, 23:13

I have taken a quick look at the low cost Wessex Pictures mountboard and there is an option for a textured antique white, which I presume is the one Wally was using for tonight's mount making demonstration. If people wish, it would be possible to order that one instead, or perhaps have a split order according to individual preference and we have eough takers for each.

Wessex Pictures also do a range of tapes which can be added to the order. There are no minimum purchase requirements or bulk discounts, so people are free to order whatever they want. Unfortunately their website does not give prices, so you will need to phone them for anything in which you are interested. Don't forget that they quote everything ex VAT, so you will need to add that on.


As before, post requirements here and I will collate them for the order.

Mike Farley
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Re: Low Cost Mountboard

Postby davidc » Thu 05 Dec 2013, 09:48

If possible I'd like to change my order and go for 10x white and 10x textured antique white.
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