Frazer Ashford Exhibition

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Mike Farley
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Frazer Ashford Exhibition

Postby Mike Farley » Tue 09 Oct 2012, 15:11

Earlier today I went to see the exhibition at the Fairfield Halls by Frazer Ashford, who gave an excellent talk at the club in September 2012, and it is definitely worth a visit. Frazer stated in his presentation that he was shooting on film during the 70's and 80's using only available light which was frequently harsh and this was exacerbated by the increase in contrast when he had to push the film in development. The results that he was consistently able to achieve in such circumstances are astonishing. The exhibition is in the Sun Lounge, where the club has been holding its annual exhibition, and runs until 14 November 2012.

Frazer also has a website, which has some of the pictures he showed us and many others -

Mike Farley
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Re: Frazer Ashford Exhibition

Postby davidc » Tue 09 Oct 2012, 15:52

Rather frustratingly, the RBS fun police block that website on the basis it falls under "Entertainment & Nudity"... no fair!
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Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
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Re: Frazer Ashford Exhibition

Postby Mike Farley » Tue 09 Oct 2012, 16:37

I don't think that it is fair that I could see any of the aforementioned nudity when I looked at the site. ;)

The URL redirects to a website hosted on Moonfruit and I suspect that the problem lies there rather than any of the content Frazer has posted.

Mike Farley
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