
Post a photo to get comments and suggestions on how it can be improved. For best help you should include the relevant EXIF information. (Use "Photo Sharing" if you simply want to share images and are not after feedback.)
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Paul Heester
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Postby Paul Heester » Thu 01 Nov 2018, 17:36

Been a long time since Ive posted on here but need some advise on below image. This was a grab shot using my phone recently. Obviously the bold colours and symmetry attracted me to these 3 ladies (think it was a Mum and 2 daughters). This is a severe crop of the original. Not sure it has any merit but thought I would canvas opinions from other members.

3bags.jpg (80.02 KiB) Viewed 41854 times
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Re: 3Bags

Postby anapena » Thu 01 Nov 2018, 17:53

In my opinion the combination of colour are matching really well even that it's not the perfect concept of the colour wheel.
Also the fact of having the same style of handbag and how the woman on the left breaks with the symmetry hanging the bag opposite side to the other two women, makes the picture more interesting .

Thanks for the shot.

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Peter Boughton
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Re: 3Bags

Postby Peter Boughton » Thu 01 Nov 2018, 22:15

This is a severe crop of the original.

I guess you did that to focus on the colours, but I think it's too severe. I find the partial hair detracts from the image, yet cropping it out (and the contrasting right-hand corners) ruins the effect, so I think it probably needs them to have their heads back, (and then possibly enough space on bottom/sides to balance that and keep the colours centred).
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Paul Heester
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Re: 3Bags

Postby Paul Heester » Wed 07 Nov 2018, 13:41

Thanks for the reply Steve, have been away in Lake District so only just seen your post.

Im a fan of your letterbox format, it concentrates the composition more and increases its abstract-ness (if thats not a word, it is now). Ive come across the Orton effect before but not sure it works here for me. I always have a judges voice in my head saying something like "the yellow jacket is too bright and un-balances the image".

Im never too good with titles. My 3 bags was just because there are 3 bags and 3 women... so somewhat playful but greenbag might be more appropriate with this crop. Not sure I will submit for a competition unless Im stumped for new entries, we shall see.
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Re: 3Bags

Postby Iggy » Wed 21 Nov 2018, 11:07

Paul's Green bag that had a slightly bigger crop than in this post did well with a silver in last week's CCC Workshop "Judge it Yourself" at our club.
See http://forums.croydoncameraclub.org.uk/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2937&start=10
There were some 40+ PDI images but we only managed to get through 15 images that evening, that then included briefly looking through prints that were passed around.
Gold and silver images now on the post. Comments welcome.
Attending members said that It was a good evening that we might repeat.
Kind regards,

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