Falmouth University''s Landings 2018 is launched

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Falmouth University''s Landings 2018 is launched

Postby GrahamL » Fri 17 Aug 2018, 14:22

As some know I'm studying for a 'Flexible' (distant learning) Photography MA with Falmouth University. As part of the course a number of us have contributed to an on-line collection of work called 'Landings 2018' that will be launched today.

Here's a link to a 'taster' video, expertly conceived and put together by three of my peers:
https://youtu.be/TC_dPqmxfrc The video is best viewed with sound on, has a really snazzy musical/vocal accompaniment.

But for the content please see the following page, includes a link to my own on-line exhibition of my 'Distinctively Different' project on a selection of Croydon shopkeepers. http://landings.space/landings18.html

a number of contributions will also be hosted in physical exhibitions in various locations in a variety of countries during the period or close by. Mine is going to be very kindly hosted at La Zaris Art Gallery (& hairdressers, one of my twelve collaborators) at Thornton Heath Ponds. The opening will be on the evening of the 2nd September, all invited. more details to be posted nearer the date.

Hope all having a great summer,

Graham Land

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