PhotoEntry Feedback

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Re: PhotoEntry Feedback

Postby Iggy » Sun 08 Oct 2017, 09:14

Hi Mike,
It is also helpful to have the facility of putting up the print competition images on the PhotoEntry site for one's own benefit (that others cannot see?).
So I have put up my Monochrome entry and marks awarded.
Thanks very much for setting up PhotoEntry for the CCC.
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Re: PhotoEntry Feedback

Postby Sarahrs » Sat 21 Oct 2017, 11:29

Hi, is it possible to open up the next couple of DPI competitions for submissions? I was unable to up load my pictures for the next competition in a couple of weeks.
Mike Farley
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Re: PhotoEntry Feedback

Postby Mike Farley » Sun 22 Oct 2017, 07:56

Sarahrs wrote:Hi, is it possible to open up the next couple of DPI competitions for submissions? I was unable to up load my pictures for the next competition in a couple of weeks.

Hi Sarah

It is still early days since the club adopted PhotoEntry system and I want to ensure that everyone is comfortable with using it. So far I have only opened one competition at a time as a precaution in case anyone inadvertently uploads their entry into the wrong one. It is my intention to open the next DPI round after this Wednesday's print competition. The closing date is 18 November, which will give everyone just over three weeks to add their images.

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Re: PhotoEntry Feedback

Postby davidb » Sun 22 Oct 2017, 14:45


I note that you've added all of the rounds for both PDI and Print competitions (albeit they're Future comps).

I've got my entries for all of the PDI rounds (although they could change at any time before the actual competition) and Prints to Round 3. (I have enough prints and mountboard for the remaining rounds.) Nature is also ready. The Master Trophy is still to be considered.

Will PhotoEntry be used for the Exhibition entries? No scores would be needed; just the award of trophies which would need to be kept secret until the Exhibition has opened. DiCentra was used for the assessment of the PDI's of Photo 2017 and all the digital versions of the prints were also submitted and later used when the judge returned to explain his awards.

David A Beard.
Mike Farley
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Re: PhotoEntry Feedback

Postby Mike Farley » Sun 22 Oct 2017, 17:24

davidb wrote:I've got my entries for all of the PDI rounds (although they could change at any time before the actual competition) and Prints to Round 3. (I have enough prints and mountboard for the remaining rounds.) Nature is also ready. The Master Trophy is still to be considered.

I will be adding the Nature and Master Trophy competitions when I get a moment.

davidb wrote:Will PhotoEntry be used for the Exhibition entries? No scores would be needed; just the award of trophies which would need to be kept secret until the Exhibition has opened. DiCentra was used for the assessment of the PDI's of Photo 2017 and all the digital versions of the prints were also submitted and later used when the judge returned to explain his awards.

My understanding is that it is still to be decided. There are benefits in using PhotoEntry as members will be requested to provide digital versions of their entries. The issues you identify would have to be addressed but are not insurmountable.

Mike Farley
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Re: PhotoEntry Feedback

Postby toms » Mon 23 Oct 2017, 10:24


Regarding PhotoEntry, having spoken to some members it is apparent that there is a reliance on the PhotoEntry system both resizing and applying the correct mode to images. Whilst this does not cause anyone any undue work it would be of benefit to the members concerned that they got used to using the appropriate software to resize images and save work in sRGB mode.

At this time I don't think it is advisable to have more than one DPI competition open at a time to prevent members entering images into the wrong round by mistake. This can of course be reviewed as we get better used to the system.

I like the idea of using PhotoEntry for the upcoming Exhibition and will discuss this with the projectionists and the Exhibition Committee.


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Re: PhotoEntry Feedback

Postby Sarahrs » Mon 23 Oct 2017, 22:09

Hi Tom,

Yes ideally I would like more than one DPI comp open at once. I would defintely like the next DPI open once the previous comptetion had been done. As one of the benefits of the system from my perspective is being able to do forward planning and do earlier prep and reduce stress at last minute.
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Re: PhotoEntry Feedback

Postby GrahamL » Wed 25 Oct 2017, 10:46

Dear Tom & Mike,

I fully support using the new Photoentry system as fully as possible. i.e. Having all of the year's competitions available to populate (including print), and using the system for the annual exhibition.

However, the Annual Exhibition does have extra needs that might not be so easy to accommodate. In the previous exhibitions I've been involved with we allowed up to two panels per entry. I'm none too sure that the PhotoEntry system could handle two different panels from the same person without a significant degree of bodge, if possible at all. However, I suspect if you were restricted to just on one panel per person (as a DPI entry say) it would then be like any other panel based competition and I presume that the exhibition could then be accommodated by Photoentry. As not that many folk submit multiple panel titles it might not be that great a loss?

Mike Farley
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Re: PhotoEntry Feedback

Postby Mike Farley » Wed 25 Oct 2017, 11:36

GrahamL wrote:However, the Annual Exhibition does have extra needs that might not be so easy to accommodate. In the previous exhibitions I've been involved with we allowed up to two panels per entry. I'm none too sure that the PhotoEntry system could handle two different panels from the same person without a significant degree of bodge, if possible at all.

Thanks for the feedback, Graham. At some point I expect to sit down with the exhibition organisers and go through their requirements to establish whether we can use PhotoEntry for the submission of digital images. The system is flexible and allows for several variations of competition categories. The issues you raise might be addressed simply by setting up separate competitions for the two sizes of images which DPI entrants are required to submit.

I have been liaising closely with the PhotoEntry developer and as a result a number of enhancements and fixes I requested have already been implemented. If we do find a function which is either not present or does work as we wish, it is possible that those can be added in readiness for the exhibition if we act in time.

Mike Farley
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Mike Farley
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Re: PhotoEntry Feedback

Postby Mike Farley » Wed 25 Oct 2017, 15:30

Further to Sarah's earlier request, I have opened the next round of the DPI competition on 22 November for entries.

Mike Farley
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