Taylor Wessing Portrait Prize

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Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

Taylor Wessing Portrait Prize

Postby Mike Farley » Wed 06 Sep 2017, 08:45

The Taylor Wessing Portrait Prize and its predecessor has picked some odd winners in the past. I recall one year that the shot which took first prize had a drainpipe growing out of the subject's head. That effort garnered the photographer £12,000. This year, a portrait of an android has been shortlisted for the top honour despite the organisers admitting it breaches their rules on eligibility as it does not depict a living subject. Those who abided by the rules have every right to feel aggrieved, especially if the organisers actually go on to award the shot first prize.

https://www.standard.co.uk/goingout/art ... 27056.html

Mike Farley
(Visit my website and blog - www.mikefarley.net)

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