help needed

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help needed

Postby Bett » Fri 09 Jun 2017, 10:40

Hi Help needed please!!!! Please make allowances as I am a Muppet

I have an oldish Mac and i have bought a portable storage device to back up all my photo's which I put in albums when I transferred them to the back up device they were all individual photos (not Albums) is there any way round this.

Thanks in advance
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Joined: Tue 18 Sep 2012, 23:23

Re: help needed

Postby walterconquy » Fri 09 Jun 2017, 11:33

Hi Bett, I have a Mac and what i do is put them in folders, are you not able to do that with your system.
I have Adobe Bridge or you can use Finder, both systems allow you to make folders up. Go to Finder > File> New Folder. Hope thats some use.
Regards Wally
Posts: 81
Joined: Thu 21 Jan 2016, 09:29

Re: help needed

Postby Bett » Fri 09 Jun 2017, 11:35

Thank you Wally I will have a go xx
Mike Farley
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Re: help needed

Postby Mike Farley » Fri 09 Jun 2017, 11:49

Hi Bett

There is not really enough information here to provide a diagnosis, but I suspect that the problem is due to the way you transferred the files. If you had used Finder, I would expect the file structure to be preserved, but this would not necessarily be the case with another application. Within Finder, dragging and dropping the Pictures folder (or the top level folder where you keep your images) onto the external drive is the simplest method.

If that does not work, a copy and paste of your Pictures folder is slightly more work but will do the trick.

  • Go into Finder and select the Pictures folder.
  • Press the CMD & A keys together to select all the folders within Pictures.
  • Press the CMD & C keys together to copy all the folders and their contents.
  • Within Finder, select the external storage device.
  • If you want to store your images within a specific folder, create or select it as appropriate.
  • Press the CM & V keys together to copy the folders and files to the new drive.

External storage devices usually come with backup software, so you could try installing and using that instead. It would have the advantage that you could configure it to do regular automated backups.

If your Mac is a MacBook and you are still experiencing problems, you are welcome to come to mine and I'll talk you through it.

Mike Farley
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Posts: 81
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Re: help needed

Postby Bett » Fri 09 Jun 2017, 13:17

Hi Mike I have only just seen your reply so thank you but I followed Wally"s instructions and now I have fully backed up all my photo's into folders so thank so much Wally I have been faffing about for 2 days, but all sorted now :D :D :D
Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

Re: help needed

Postby Mike Farley » Fri 09 Jun 2017, 14:14

Hi Bett

Glad to know you got it sorted and that Wally's instructions worked.

Mike Farley
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Posts: 173
Joined: Tue 18 Sep 2012, 23:23

Re: help needed

Postby walterconquy » Sun 11 Jun 2017, 15:18

Hey thanks Bett thats a first, I got it right. Glad its resolved.
Good luck on your future work, I really admire what you are doing. Keep it up.
Posts: 81
Joined: Thu 21 Jan 2016, 09:29

Re: help needed

Postby Bett » Sun 11 Jun 2017, 20:25

Wally your a star!!! i was about to throw the computor across the room, thanks again and also for the encouragement as I am not techy savvy but getting there.

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