Hi Leon
Glad you found the feedback useful.
Now is not a good time to buy Lightroom as the beta of version 5 has just been released. Details are at this thread on the forum.
viewtopic.php?f=2&t=379Adobe releases a beta as part of its final testing to ensure that the release product will work the wide variety of different PC configurations that exist in the wild. It's not so bad in the Mac world where Apple has a tight control of the components which go into its machines, but with so many manufacturers supplying parts it's a different story for Windows. Everything is
supposed to be compatible, but .......
Being a beta, there might be robustness and performance issues with LR5 and I have heard reports of some people who already have Lightroom experiencing difficulties due to a clash between the two versions. That should not be the case for you, but you can also download a 30 day trial of the current offering from the Adobe website.
My advice would be to come along next week and use the session as an introduction to see whether you think it is for you. Personally, I could not manage without it, but other people have different views. You can download LR and have a play with it, but I would not say that it is an essential prerequisite. There is plenty of assistance available on the Internet to help you get going.
The requirement for large amounts of disk space is an inevitable consequence of digital imaging and ever increasing sensor densities allowing the capture of greater numbers of megapixels. One of the good things about Lightroom is that it can allow images libraries to be managed, across multiple disks if necessary. Dave C raised this question recently and my response is here.
viewtopic.php?f=4&t=352&start=10Finally, I forgot to mention in my earlier response that only club members are allowed to upload images to the forum, which is necessary to conserve the limited disk space available to us from the hosting provider. All registered users are permitted to link to images hosted externally on sites such as flickr, but you needed to be added to the members group to get the full posting rights.