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Infrared Bluebells

Posted: Sun 06 May 2018, 10:00
by Mike Farley
Sarah has published her bluebell shot, so here is one which I took yesterday. Why on earth did I shoot it in infrared (I can almost hear you think*)? Well, it is a longish story which has not yet reached its conclusion. I will share in due course once there is a resolution to the ongoing saga. For the moment, what I will say is that I had a different subject in mind which I intended to shoot in colour, but this shot has turned out better than I expected.

Infrared Bluebells With Bee
Bluebells.jpg (83.04 KiB) Viewed 1824 times

* ;)

Re: Infrared Bluebells

Posted: Sun 06 May 2018, 10:21
by Sarahrs
Bonus points for the bee.

Re: Infrared Bluebells

Posted: Sun 06 May 2018, 10:28
by Mike Farley
Sarahrs wrote:Bonus points for the bee.

Yes, I was pleased when it flew into shot and settled on one of the flowers. I have another where the bee is is hovering just in front of the blooms, but unfortunately it was not in focus. It is very tricky nailing something like that when they fly around so quickly and depth of field is limited at such a close shooting distance.