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POTD 22 January 2015 - London Eye

Posted: Fri 23 Jan 2015, 10:07
by Mike Farley
While travelling to Waterloo to see the LPOTY exhibition, there was some glorious winter late afternoon light from the setting sun, so I first ventured to the London Eye. That subject, of course, has been done to death so I decided to see what would happen if I used a fisheye lens. The problem with using any wide-angle lens is keeping compositions uncluttered and excluding unwanted artefacts, something which a fisheye lens exacerbates in spades. My idea was to use one of the supports as a lead in line, but that proved very difficult to execute without something getting in the way. On one side there is the former County Hall building and all around there are a number of trees, which even without foliage tended to get in the way. This was the most optimum position I could find.

Re: POTD 22 January 2015 - London Eye

Posted: Fri 23 Jan 2015, 10:15
by Mike Farley
Here are a couple of other shots from the London Eye yesterday, all taken with a fisheye lens.

Unprompted, my wife said she liked this one, so it had to be posted. :D

London Eye-2.jpg
London Eye-2.jpg (132.8 KiB) Viewed 2121 times

And if you cannot avoid the trees, make them a feature instead. There were a lot of security guards around, with hi-viz jackets everywhere. ;)

London Eye-3.jpg
London Eye-3.jpg (123.37 KiB) Viewed 2121 times

Re: POTD 22 January 2015 - London Eye

Posted: Fri 23 Jan 2015, 12:08
by Ronald Barker
Nice ones, Shot 1 & 3 look as though the eye is laying down. Did you take the coca cola sign down??? :D :D :D

Re: POTD 22 January 2015 - London Eye

Posted: Sat 24 Jan 2015, 08:25
by Mike Farley
Ronald Barker wrote:Nice ones, Shot 1 & 3 look as though the eye is laying down.

Thanks, Ron. I had not appreciated just how much distortion the fisheye lens created untilyou pointed it out.

Ronald Barker wrote:Did you take the coca cola sign down??? :D :D :D

:?: :?: :?: :?: :?: