A few weeks back me and a friend ventured up to the Peak District for a long weekend of photography. We came away with a few good shots but overall the weather wasnt very helpful. We had sun, rain, sleet, snow and "popcorn" snow. This frequent changing of the weather was due in part to a bitterly cold wind that never gave up. I would happily go back - probably in autumn - as the area has lots of great scenery. Maybe a club outing similar to Wales???
We used this book as a guide, which was very useful -
http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/0992683424Below are some of the shots I took:
Padley Gorge by
Paul Heester, on Flickr
Great location with lots of moss-strewn boulders.
Winding Road by
Paul Heester, on Flickr
This view is over the side of Mam Tor, the largest hill in the park. A local bus added a bit more interest.
The Long Dark Path by
Paul Heester, on Flickr
Tunnel now converted into pedestrian use.
Derwent Dam by
Paul Heester, on Flickr
Derwent Dam, a very impressive site
Silver Birches by
Paul Heester, on Flickr
These silver birches are at a disused quarry, a quiet and eerie place.
Stanage Edge millstones by
Paul Heester, on Flickr
Classic foreground interest of abandoned millstones, which litter the area.