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Lightroom Develop Module Workshop

Posted: Fri 26 Oct 2018, 14:31
by Mike Farley
I am holding a small workshop to introduce Raw processing using the Develop module in Lightroom. Tina and Laura are already attending, which means that I have one further place available if anyone else is interested. As I ran a full one day workshop on Lightroom earlier this year, I will give priority to anyone who did not attend that event should more than one person wish to attend. Note that thus is very much a one-off being done as a favour for club members. I do not propose to make these sessions a regular occurrence.

I will be working through a number of examples to demonstrate how the Develop module functions can be used to process images to completion and using a projector so that those present have a good view of the proceedings. Raw files will be available so that attendees can practice applying the same adjustments using their own laptops. This will be optional but will help reinforce the learning. Needless to add (I hope!), it is a prerequiiste that Lightroom is already installed on the laptop. It would also be beneficial if attendees have at least a basic knowledge of the Develop module functions.

Date: Sunday, 11 November
Time: 14:30 - 16:30
Venue: My house (details will be sent separately via e-mail)
Cost: Free

If there are any questions, post them here as I will not be attending any club meetings prior to the workshop.

Re: Lightroom Develop Module Workshop

Posted: Sat 03 Nov 2018, 16:55
by gcluer
Sorry - I would have been interested but I am in Wales.
Graham C

Re: Lightroom Develop Module Workshop

Posted: Sun 18 Nov 2018, 17:52
by anapena
Hi Mike,
I've been superdisconected in the last few week.
I was quite upset to hear that you were running the workshop and I couldn't make free space to go but I will be happy to attend if you organize other in the future.
Thanks for your interest.

Re: Lightroom Develop Module Workshop

Posted: Mon 19 Nov 2018, 07:43
by Mike Farley
anapena wrote:..... I will be happy to attend if you organize other in the future.

Hi Ana

At present I have no plans to repeat this workshop, which was very much a one-off.