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Re: Long exposure workshop

Posted: Sun 05 Nov 2017, 10:20
by Iggy
A few post-processing tips that I have learnt over the couple of years I have been doing this:

Hi Steve,
Well done Steve on leading a very interesting & enlightening outing which unfortunately I could not attend.

The list of post-processing tips is very helpful.
I am being drawn towards long exposures even though I haven't done any landscape photography so far and might need some help in selecting filters and more.
I did spend an hour or so checking this out on the the internet last night.
For my Panasonic FZ1000 with a max of F8, I might need greater than ND1000 (?).

Ron, sorry to hear about your accident, which at least was not too serious and you could laugh about it!


Re: Long exposure workshop

Posted: Sun 05 Nov 2017, 15:51
by Sarahrs

Thanks for oraganising. Really enjoyed. Below are some of my pictures from the day

[url][url=]Image[/url]crashing of waves nik by Sarah Shakespeare, on Flickr[/url]

[url][url=]Image[/url]ohhh by Sarah Shakespeare, on Flickr[/url]

[url][url=]Image[/url]blue hour by Sarah Shakespeare, on Flickr[/url]

Re: Long exposure workshop

Posted: Sun 05 Nov 2017, 19:24
by Iggy
Hi Sarah,
Great images.

Re: Long exposure workshop

Posted: Sun 05 Nov 2017, 20:44
by Steve B
Ron - sorry to hear about your fall. We did wonder where you had got to. I guess a broken filter is cheaper than a broken lens.

Sarah - I like your pictures too. The crashing waves shot is very powerful, fantastic timing. Sorry we lost you in the afternoon.

Iggy - I have a mounting system which lets me stack an ND10 and ND6 which is useful if conditions are bright, while a polarising filter will add a couple of stops. Flexibility is best as the filtration strength you need will vary massively depending on the light and desired effect, but if you are looking to buy one filter get an ND10. Suggest we discuss further on Wednesday.


Re: Long exposure workshop

Posted: Mon 06 Nov 2017, 11:12
by Ronald Barker
Couple from a good outing