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Re: Westerham Walkabout - 12 April

Posted: Tue 13 Apr 2021, 10:20
by Mike Farley
Beneath the statue of General Wolfe, some hardy people endure the distinctly chilly conditions for their first drink of the year at a pub, inside not yet being an option. No warm ale here! ;)

Wolfe (1 of 1).jpg
Cold beer
Wolfe (1 of 1).jpg (87.13 KiB) Viewed 1366 times

Re: Westerham Walkabout - 12 April

Posted: Tue 13 Apr 2021, 12:22
by toms
Thank you Mike for organising the walkabout. Shame about the weather but there is always next time. Hopefully between us all we can arrange some more explorations.


Wolfe at Quebec aka Westerham
Quebec_Wolfe.jpg (499.99 KiB) Viewed 1364 times

Re: Westerham Walkabout - 12 April

Posted: Tue 13 Apr 2021, 13:22
by toms
The weather may not have been great but if you wait long enough the sun always shines on the righteous.
