First underwater medium format?

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Joined: Fri 05 Jul 2019, 18:47

First underwater medium format?

Postby abennettphotography » Tue 30 Jun 2020, 15:39

Could be wrong but I don't think I've ever seen an underwater medium format before. It's an interesting development as medium format becomes more like DSLRs. Could they be the future?
Mike Farley
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Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

Re: First underwater medium format?

Postby Mike Farley » Wed 01 Jul 2020, 08:28

abennettphotography wrote:It's an interesting development as medium format becomes more like DSLRs. Could they be the future?

It is unlikely that medium format will ever become mainstream as it has too many drawbacks for general purpose use. Size and cost and mitigate against it, not to mention the computing issues associated with manipulating high resolution images. In fact, I even wonder why full frame is so popular when smaller sensors and systems are more than capable of meeting most requirements. Try telling that to Olympus, though. As for an underwater housing for medium format, that really is a niche within a niche.

Mike Farley
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