PetaPixel Website Hijacked?

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Mike Farley
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Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

PetaPixel Website Hijacked?

Postby Mike Farley » Sun 28 Jun 2020, 08:30

I have been browsing the PetaPixel website and a couple of times the page I looking at changed to what was purportedly a survey for my ISP. Apparently simply by answering I am a guaranteed winner of a valuable prize. I might be a bit more convinced if the URL displayed was actually from my ISP. OK, I probably wouldn't. It is not happening on other websites, so I suspect that someone is manipulating the Petapixel site. Just a warning for anyone who might be tempted by this or similar scams.

Mike Farley
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Peter Boughton
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Re: PetaPixel Website Hijacked?

Postby Peter Boughton » Sun 28 Jun 2020, 12:09

The best way to avoid this would be to install uBlock Origin - and specifically "uBlock Origin" (not anything similarly named), and only by following the installation links listed at (not by searching).

uBlock Origin will automatically block malware and scam servers (using a variety of regularly updated sources), and doesn't need any special configuration to work (but does allow plenty of tweaking).

It also allows disabling JavaScript on a per-site basis - JavaScript is the primary technology used for website hijacks and is sometimes useful but not always needed - so it can be turned off just for PetaPixel without affecting other sites.

(Installing uBlock Origin is always the first thing I do for any browser, and is highly recommended irrespective of this issue or anything else.)

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