Clarkson and Co Do Cameras

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Mike Farley
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Clarkson and Co Do Cameras

Postby Mike Farley » Fri 28 Feb 2020, 08:59

A clip from Series 3 of The Grand Tour when Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May turn their attention to cameras rather than cars. I have not yet seen the show, but it will be interesting to see how they all get on. Depending on the subject, each approach will present its own challenges, James May's especially. No doubt there will be a lot of trademark silliness. ... mb_rel_end

Mike Farley
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Re: Clarkson and Co Do Cameras

Postby davidb » Fri 28 Feb 2020, 09:30

I seem to be getting "Would I Lie To You"!

I did a search for "Clarkson and co do cameras" and found

Is this what you were watching?

David A Beard.
Mike Farley
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Re: Clarkson and Co Do Cameras

Postby Mike Farley » Fri 28 Feb 2020, 10:34

davidb wrote:I seem to be getting "Would I Lie To You"!

I did a search for "Clarkson and co do cameras" and found

Is this what you were watching?

WTF? I clicked on the video to copy the URL, so quite how I ended up with WILTY is something of a mystery. I did not check the link because I assumed it would be correct. Doh! Your link at least gets the right programme but is not the same URL. While it starts with the clip, the video quickly switches to a YouTuber who wants to talk about the gear the GT guys produced.* Quite possibly that is of considerable interest to someone who has a voice with strong adenoidal tones and can inform you, in great and interminable detail, about the route they took to drive from A to B. It does, though, seem to feature more of the programme content than in the clip I viewed.

Hopefully, at the third time of asking, the link below is the correct one.**

* Spolier. It looks like Hammond and Clarkson had Canon gear. James May's camera could have been anything, but who really cares?

** Yes, I did check this time ......

Mike Farley
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