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120 Fenchurch St - A free elevated view of London

Posted: Wed 27 Mar 2019, 11:58
by Paul Heester
A new free viewing area has opened in London at "The Garden" at 120 Fenchurch St and I had a brief visit this morning. After a brief security check you head up 15 floors to a sparse garden with a glass barrier for 360 views. On an overcast day like today it wasnt that inspiring but it will soon open till 9pm so I think it will have potential for sunset/dusk. As you can see from the images below some include the reflections which could be problematic. There were a few 'togs up there with tripods which appear to be acceptable.

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Re: 120 Fenchurch St - A free elevated view of London

Posted: Wed 27 Mar 2019, 11:59
by Paul Heester
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Re: 120 Fenchurch St - A free elevated view of London

Posted: Wed 27 Mar 2019, 15:41
by Mike Farley
Thanks, Paul. This location has been on my list for a while and I had been hoping to get some dusk shots at some point. Preferably on a day when the meteorological conditions play ball. Good news that the opening hours are to be extended which will make the planning easier.

Re: 120 Fenchurch St - A free elevated view of London

Posted: Fri 29 Mar 2019, 14:51
by Iggy
Paul said
120 Fenchurch St - A free elevated view of London

Good to hear about 120 Fenchurch St Free elevated view. Is there a booking system?
I am going to be spending two week in London daily on jury service this April and hope to do daily trips to places of interest around SE1 and further afield.
Any suggestions would be helpful.
Kind regards,

Re: 120 Fenchurch St - A free elevated view of London

Posted: Mon 01 Apr 2019, 14:54
by Paul Heester
Iggy wrote:Is there a booking system?

Nope just turn up and put your bag through a scanner, walk through an arch and then you're guided to the lift.