Judges recruitment - a message from SPA

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Steve B
Posts: 127
Joined: Thu 08 Dec 2016, 17:20

Judges recruitment - a message from SPA

Postby Steve B » Thu 13 Sep 2018, 17:33

I have copied below a message from the SPA. Steve

To SPA Clubs -

As we begin the new 2018/19 season the SPA Judges & Lecturer’s Committee continues to work on supporting clubs with a full roster of approved judges. 2018 has been a successful year in appointing four newly trained judges. We have the plan to add to this again in the next 12 months.
To that end we would like to ask each SPA club to inform their members that we would be delighted to hear from any member in the advanced section of the club, or is working at an equivalent level within a club that does not have graded sections, who has any interest in becoming an SPA judge.
The SPA website has a section on the benefits & requirements to become a judge and the committee has worked on a comprehensive training & assessment programme to support prospective judges.
If they have any interest they may apply via the SPA website, or contact the following committee members:
Rosemary Wilman Hon.FRPS
07940 231318
Steve Kingswell ARPS AFIAP
O7507 800116
We will be running introductory evenings later in 2018 & early 2019 to have an informal discussion about what it means to become judge, and training & assessment days during early to mid 2019.
All enquiries welcome.
Rosemary & Steve
On behalf of the SPA Judges and Lecturers Committee

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