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Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38


Postby Mike Farley » Wed 29 Nov 2017, 08:55

I did not comment on this bit of flummery at the time as the idea seemed so ludicrous that it was not seemingly worthy of mention. A rudimentary digital camera with a fixed lens which uses "film" cartridges to alter ISO and other characteristics I thought a preposterous idea. I was far from alone in that, but what did I or anyone else know? The initiative has garnered over $1.25 million in a now finished Kickstarter campaign. ... owdfunding

If you want to get one yourself, it is still available on Indiegogo. ... shica--2#/

Mike Farley
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Peter Boughton
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Re: Astonishing

Postby Peter Boughton » Wed 29 Nov 2017, 23:05

I'm not sure what's more astonishing - the idea of having an artificially limited camera in order to achieve a particular image quality, the process of swapping out a physical part of a camera to change the image that is produced, or actually using (probably) the world's most common power source instead of a special proprietary brick...
Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

Re: Astonishing

Postby Mike Farley » Thu 30 Nov 2017, 08:33

Peter Boughton wrote:....... or actually using (probably) the world's most common power source instead of a special proprietary brick...

I totally missed the bit about AA batteries in the specifications. In the early days of digital, a few cameras used them but they did not have the capacity for extended shoots. People ended up having pocketfuls of rechargeables just to see out the day. Not that it probably matters in this instance. The Yashica is more of a gimmick. I cannot imagine many actually seeing much use, but then I never imagined it being financed in excess of £1m either. What do I know?

Mike Farley
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