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Do You Have What It Takes?
Posted: Fri 06 Oct 2017, 09:46
by Mike Farley
Of course you do!
Applications are open for the third series of Sky Arts, Master of Photography. Closing date is 15 November.
Re: Do You Have What It Takes?
Posted: Fri 06 Oct 2017, 23:11
by Iggy
Mike, Thanks for sharing.
Hope you are entering.
Re: Do You Have What It Takes?
Posted: Sat 07 Oct 2017, 08:13
by Mike Farley
Iggy wrote:Hope you are entering.Iggy
I suspect that the biggest challenge is the two minute video, which is part of the entry requirements. Scripting and producing it would require a lot of thought. At least it will highlight how comfortable entrants feel in front of a camera.
Re: Do You Have What It Takes?
Posted: Sun 08 Oct 2017, 11:29
by Iggy
Mike Wrote:
"Scripting and producing it would require a lot of thought."
You enjoy presenting - so that should be an easy ask for you.
Cameras and mobile phones all have video capability, so producing a 2 minute video shouldn't be too difficult although it might need a few takes!
Re: Do You Have What It Takes?
Posted: Sun 08 Oct 2017, 14:39
by Mike Farley
Iggy wrote:You enjoy presenting - so that should be an easy ask for you.
Cameras and mobile phones all have video capability, so producing a 2 minute video shouldn't be too difficult although it might need a few takes!
I would not underestimate the complexity of creating a video which will enhance an applicant's prospects. Two minutes is a long time to fill, yet does not allow much to be said. The selectors will gain an initial impression within the first few seconds; I doubt that very many videos will be watched through to the end. Only eight people will be selected and Sky Arts will want as diverse a range of nationalities as possible to ensure the series has the widest appeal.
Re: Do You Have What It Takes?
Posted: Mon 09 Oct 2017, 10:31
by Iggy
Hi Mike
The video is obviously very important.
The more professional it is the better the chances one has as long as content is exceptional.
Surely though one does not need a script writer, a director and a producer for the video.
Re: Do You Have What It Takes?
Posted: Mon 09 Oct 2017, 14:15
by Mike Farley
Iggy wrote:Surely though one does not need a script writer, a director and a producer for the video.

To achieve the professionalism and exceptional content you agree is required, it needs all those roles and more. Not necessarily different people, though.
Re: Do You Have What It Takes?
Posted: Tue 10 Oct 2017, 14:56
by Iggy
I guess at the end of the day, one might have to do the video by oneself, unless one has a friend in the business!
Thing is not to leave it to the last minute. Do we have any video experts at the CCC?
My expectation is that the video & images is just the first part of the selection process.
For such a big show, there will probably be an interview process of 40 or 50 possible contestants that will be put through their paces.
Is there any way of finding out about this?
Re: Do You Have What It Takes?
Posted: Tue 10 Oct 2017, 18:56
by Mike Farley
Iggy wrote:For such a big show, there will probably be an interview process of 40 or 50 possible contestants that will be put through their paces.
Is there any way of finding out about this?
Re: Do You Have What It Takes?
Posted: Tue 10 Oct 2017, 19:10
by Iggy
Mike Wrote:
Haven't decided yet.
I might, if you do.
But it would be nice to know what else is involved in the selection process.