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How to Succeed in Photography

Posted: Wed 28 Jun 2017, 08:32
by Mike Farley
It is all very straightforward and requires precious little photographic ability. Simply have a famous dad. Burberry photoshoots and book deals are yours for the asking. ... g-slammed/

Re: How to Succeed in Photography

Posted: Fri 30 Jun 2017, 16:38
by emmanuel
WHAT I SEE, the first book by Brooklyn Beckham, is a series of snapshots of his life,,,,,,,,,,, should go to specsavers.
And greedy Penguin. playing with Brooklyn's mind.

Re: How to Succeed in Photography

Posted: Fri 30 Jun 2017, 21:53
by Mike Farley
Yes, there is some exploitation going on here. Both of the young Beckham and his more than 10m followers on Instagram. If just 1% of them buy the book, that's potentially over £1.5m in sales.

Certainly, these images should never have been published and I sure that there are other young people who could have made a better showing. Brooklyn Beckham is rightly being derided for his elephant shot and accompanying caption. Many of the shots show faults typical of a beginner, but some are OK. They would not be out of place in one of our Standard class competitions. If he persists with photography as a career and develops some capability, he might well look back on the book with embarrassment in a few years' time.

it is not all bad news. A young man with 10m followers, many of who are presumably a similar age to him, has taken up photography. If that encourages others to follow suit, that can only be good. Maybe we will see an influx of youngsters into the club?