The Man Who Shot Tutankhamen on BBC 4

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Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

The Man Who Shot Tutankhamen on BBC 4

Postby Mike Farley » Sat 04 Mar 2017, 13:14

A programme about Harry Burton who photographed the opening of Tutankhamun's tomb by Howard Carter. He used a glass plate camera and produced 1,400 immaculate images in far from ideal conditions. Given the timing, 9:00 pm on Wednesday, 8 March, it will either be necessary to set your video recorder or view it later on iPlayer.

Margaret Mountford might seem an odd choice to present the programme, but since leaving "The Apprentice" she has acquired a PhD in papyrology and is chairwoman of the Egypt Exploration Society.

Mike Farley
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