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Lake District Outing
Posted: Sat 28 Jan 2017, 19:07
by walterconquy
Hullo people I wrote quite a long letter a couple of days ago and it does not seem to be on the forum.
It was an update on the outing to the Lake District and gave 3 dates that I thought were ideal.
I cannot find it on the outings chat. Could somebody tell me where it is?
Re: Lake District Outing
Posted: Sat 28 Jan 2017, 21:02
by Nina
Try the outings thread Wally!

Re: Lake District Outing
Posted: Sat 28 Jan 2017, 23:14
by Mike Farley
This is the link, Wally. As Nina says, your post is in Outings. You could also try using the "Active topics" shown on the Shortcuts line at the top to find recent posts.
viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2352&start=10#p11023This post does not belong in Announcements, but to avoid any further confusion I will not move it into the General forum for a couple of days.
Re: Lake District Outing
Posted: Sun 29 Jan 2017, 17:46
by walterconquy
Hi Nina / Mike I did try the outings thread and it is still lost.
I can only see the second note I wrote, although where that came from I don't know.
It wasn't there last time I looked, immediately after I had posted, It was there and then i looked again 2minutes later and it had disappeared.
Regards wally
Re: Lake District Outing
Posted: Sun 29 Jan 2017, 19:02
by Mike Farley
walterconquy wrote:I can only see the second note I wrote, although where that came from I don't know.
It wasn't there last time I looked, immediately after I had posted, It was there and then i looked again 2minutes later and it had disappeared.
Forum posts do not randomly appear and disappear.
Have you tried the link I put in my previous post? All you have to do is click on it and it will display not only your latest post but the subsequent comments as well. I really cannot make it any easier for you.
Re: Lake District Outing
Posted: Sun 29 Jan 2017, 21:30
by walterconquy
Mike I did just that and my first posting is not on it
Re: Lake District Outing
Posted: Sun 29 Jan 2017, 23:38
by Mike Farley
walterconquy wrote:Mike I did just that and my first posting is not on it
That's because your first post is on the previous page. There are 10 posts per page and by chance your second post is the first one on the second page. At the top right, just above your second post, there is a post count and link to the first page.