If a 365 does not appeal, how about a photo a week? To add variety, each week could be themed. Over on PetaPixel, there is a suggestion for a 2017 proect with a different challenge each week. As the author says, completing the year cannot help but improve your photography. Posting the results to social media will also allow you to see how others have tackled that week's topic and provide further inspiration.
The real achievement in something like this is lasting the course, not the images you obtain. Even if the shots do not always turn out as you would have wished, you will have learnt something. Failure can often be a better teacher than success. The thing is, though, the shots will come and by the end of the year there will be some you are really pleased with. You could well be surprised at how many there are. Images you would not have got had you not been participating in something like this so that you were actively thinking about the topic, finding something to photograph. Most importantly, you wil lhave developed as a photographer and broadened your range. An experience from which you wil benefit for many years to come.
http://petapixel.com/2016/12/28/shoot-5 ... ve-skills/