Could Be A Bargain?

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Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

Could Be A Bargain?

Postby Mike Farley » Mon 21 Nov 2016, 10:30

£7k for a used lens? Not a typo, but in fact one of the finest and rarest lenses around. It is the Leica Vario-Elmarit-R F2.8 35-70mm ASPH. Leica made it as a demonstration piece to show what could be done, but only ever produced 200. Since then it has beome legendary. According to Erwin Puts, the acknowledged Leica expert, it outresolves the f/2.8 prime R series lenses Leica was making at the time. And those lenses were no slouches.

Thorsten Overgaard writes of his experiences using the lens at this link - ... -R_28.html.

An example is for sale at LCE Guildford and make no mistake, it will sell. Quite quickly I expect. It is popular with videographers who favour fast manual focus lenses and want the highest quality optics. Alternatively, if video is not for you, why not put it on a Sony A7IIR* for the finest digital photography experience going? You will even get change from £10k for the combo. ;) ... -ASPH-(ROM)_167718.html

* No sense in going for anything less, especially not a crop sensor.

Mike Farley
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