Panasonic FZ1000 Disassembled

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Mike Farley
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Panasonic FZ1000 Disassembled

Postby Mike Farley » Mon 11 Apr 2016, 08:36

At least one member of this forum has this camera, if they want to play along. ;) ... sassembled

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Re: Panasonic FZ1000 Disassembled

Postby Iggy » Wed 13 Apr 2016, 00:17

Hi Mike,
Been too busy to go on the forum for a few days.
My Lumix FZ 1000, which I tend to use as my street photography camera has been giving me good enough images to get 10s, 11s and even a 12 with hardly any Photoshop manipulation. :lol:
So I am going to keep it intact for the time being. The 5 year Panasonic warranty would not cover the FZ 1000 disassembled, although photographing bits of the inerds could give award winning images.
Things could change and I might move to the occasional use of the Canon 70D if someone buys me a 24-105 mm f/4.0L IS USM lens! Only day dreaming!

In days gone by, I used to make an effort to sort out problems on my mini or 1100s, but today if there is something wrong with the car its hardly worth the effort of opening the bonnet with so much electronics to fob one off. Its amazing how much is stuffed into a little camera!

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Re: Panasonic FZ1000 Disassembled

Postby Rose » Wed 13 Apr 2016, 12:14

Iggy I have a 24-105 L IS lens with a Error1 - it's repairable if you would be interested in buying it and doing just that ?
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Re: Panasonic FZ1000 Disassembled

Postby Iggy » Wed 13 Apr 2016, 13:57

Hi Rose, I will bear your offer in mind.
I have got my leaving do organised by some old Profs at KCL coming up, and in spite of my best efforts against, they are having a collection. Hence, only yesterday I have dropped some hints that this should be put towards the Canon 24-105mm f4.0L lens that is available new at just £425 rather than £727. Lets see what happens!

Just been on the net and see that Error 1 seems to be a common problem with the Canon 24-105mm F4.0 L lens and is quite expensive to fix.
Error 1 is totally unacceptable and should be fixed free by Canon much like car companies are forced to recall cars with small faults!
Hopefully the problem has been sorted in newer models.
Any comments on this? Please advise. Does it happen after the lens has taken a heavy knock or dropped?
Perhaps I should stick with my FZ 1000 that came with a free 5 year warranty?
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Re: Panasonic FZ1000 Disassembled

Postby Rose » Wed 13 Apr 2016, 18:30

It is a known problem and not caused by any hard handling. Once it's repaired by a reputable service centre it should be good as new - some people even say it's better afterwards. Canon have never produced a MKii and it's still a good lens. I decided not to repair it and go for a 24-70 2.8 instead.
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Re: Panasonic FZ1000 Disassembled

Postby Iggy » Wed 13 Apr 2016, 18:41

How long did you have the 24-105 before it started misbehaving?
Have any other CCC members had problems with this or any other Canon lens?
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Re: Panasonic FZ1000 Disassembled

Postby Iggy » Wed 13 Apr 2016, 19:17

I shall go on the Canon UK site and ask some searching questions about reliability and extra warranty for the Canon 24-105 f4 L before deciding whether to get it or not. See if they can give me any answers and guarantees on reliability.
From the net, it would appear that the world is flooded by broken 24-105. I guess that might explain the price of £425 new as opposed to the starting price of £950 when it came out.

In the past, if camera equipment has broken down within two years of purchase I have insisted that it be repaired free of charge and this has happened three times now in the last 30 years.
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Re: Panasonic FZ1000 Disassembled

Postby davidc » Thu 14 Apr 2016, 02:15

Bear in mind it's also been the kit lens for the majority of full-frame cameras for well over a decade. There's a large glut of 2nd hand stock for that reason.

I've never heard of an endemic problem with the 24-105 before, have you seen any other instance of it? Also, I'm always cautious reading too much into online problem reports. After all, with hundreds of thousands - possibly millions - of these lenses floating around you would expect more than a handful of complaints on a forum. Bear in mind too that people only go online to bleat if they aren't happy, you never seen thousands of posts saying "my 24-105 is fine and I don't get error 01". Only those with a problem, which can lead to skewed perceptions.
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Re: Panasonic FZ1000 Disassembled

Postby Mike Farley » Thu 14 Apr 2016, 07:43

From my knowledge, there is at least one other person in the club who has had this problem with the lens. It does seem to have something of a reputation for unreliability.

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Re: Panasonic FZ1000 Disassembled

Postby Iggy » Thu 14 Apr 2016, 15:58

It would appear that - " Help! Lens Error 01 on 70-200 f/2.8 II" - are also prone to the same problem when I just checked on the internet. ... ?t=1400011

There's a large glut of 2nd hand stock for that reason
that are trending at £400.
Available new at not much more from several grey market sellers. Any reason not to buy from the grey market?

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