Daguerreotype Achromat Lens

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Mike Farley
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Daguerreotype Achromat Lens

Postby Mike Farley » Thu 07 Apr 2016, 10:03

I have to admit of being something of a sucker when it comes to unusual lenses, so when I saw a Kickstarter campaign by Lomography for a modern update of the first lens designed specifically for photography I was always going to be interested. I managed to resist the lure of Lomography's earlier Petzval based creations and having seen the results I am glad that I did. I am not sure that swirly bokeh is really my thing and would soon tire of the effect. This new lens has a completely different look and feel to it, though, and is something I might actually use. Soft wide open, it still has a dreamlike quality at the smaller apertures.

It was not long before I got my credit card out after returning home from last night's club meeting. I had missed the $300 and $350 offers, but managed to get in on the September delivery of a brass lens at $400. When I started looking, 61 were available which went down to 54 in the short time I was online. Earlier on today there were just 13 remaining, now all gone. October delivery at the same price remains plentiful, but with the publicity it is garnering around the Internet and just one day into the sale that situation is unlikely to last long. With the Kickstarter funding goal already achieved, I now have until 10 May to consider my purchase before my credit card is charged. Maybe a filter and some vaseline would be more cost effective?

I did think about the black lacquer version, but this is a fascimile of a lens the date of which coincides with the start of the Victorian era. It can only be brass.

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/lo ... -64-art-le

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Re: Daguerreotype Achromat Lens

Postby davidc » Fri 08 Apr 2016, 02:18

I wondered about the petzval lens, and this one as well. Will be interested to see how you get on with it!
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Re: Daguerreotype Achromat Lens

Postby Mike Farley » Fri 08 Apr 2016, 08:18

davidc wrote:I wondered about the petzval lens, and this one as well. Will be interested to see how you get on with it!

It's getting a poor reception from the DPReview crowd. Anything they don't like must be good, right?

If I am honest, it is probably more of a novelty than something I would use on a regular basis. As my card will not be charged until 10 May when the Kickstarter fundraiser finishes, I have a bit of time to decide if I want to pay that much for what is essentially a toy.

Mike Farley
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Re: Daguerreotype Achromat Lens

Postby Mike Farley » Fri 08 Apr 2016, 10:32

I found this article at The Online Photographer which states that around the turn of the last century photographers were not necessarily looking for the sharpest optics and preferred something with a bit of diffusion. It's out of fashion these days, but that's the effect I am seeing with this lens and I do quite like it.

http://theonlinephotographer.typepad.co ... atter.html

Mike Farley
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Re: Daguerreotype Achromat Lens

Postby Mike Farley » Fri 08 Apr 2016, 12:02


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Re: Daguerreotype Achromat Lens

Postby davidc » Sun 10 Apr 2016, 09:56

It's not really an apples-to-apples comparison but the Lensbabys I have are quirky and fun and very rarely taken out of the cupboard. :)
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Mike Farley
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Re: Daguerreotype Achromat Lens

Postby Mike Farley » Sun 10 Apr 2016, 14:17

davidc wrote:It's not really an apples-to-apples comparison but the Lensbabys I have are quirky and fun and very rarely taken out of the cupboard. :)

That's the concern, of course, that it might just be a five minute wonder. Even if I were to get a worthwhile shot out of it, I might well have a judge complaining that the result is soft. :roll:

I am planning to leave it for now and will revisit the decision closer to the time.

Mike Farley
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Mike Farley
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Re: Daguerreotype Achromat Lens

Postby Mike Farley » Fri 15 Apr 2016, 08:17

Here's another "special" lens from a different manufacturer. I think that I am going to pass.

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/me ... rioplan-f2

Mike Farley
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Re: Daguerreotype Achromat Lens

Postby davidc » Fri 15 Apr 2016, 08:36

I don't mind it but don't think I'm such an afficionado of bokeh photography that I'd go and buy one.

Lensbaby is getting in on the act with one that looks very "Petzvally" too - http://lensbaby.com/usa/twist60lens.php
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Mike Farley
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Re: Daguerreotype Achromat Lens

Postby Mike Farley » Fri 15 Apr 2016, 10:23

davidc wrote:I don't mind it but don't think I'm such an afficionado of bokeh photography that I'd go and buy one.

That's pretty much what I thought. I prefer the bokeh from the Achromat, the bubble effect does not do much for me and I found it distracting.

davidc wrote:Lensbaby is getting in on the act with one that looks very "Petzvally" too - http://lensbaby.com/usa/twist60lens.php

Yes, I had seen that. I also saw where someone had achieved the same effect by having a hole cut into black paper placed in front of the lens.

Mike Farley
(Visit my website and blog - www.mikefarley.net)

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