David Candlish has just published his long term user review of Canon's 5DS R 50 MP ubercamera which is based on his experiences using it while on a three week trip around China. Now Dave and I have our different viewpoints, which is fine by me as understanding someone else's perspective helps me form my own opinion. Nevertheless it was still something of a surprise while reading his extensive review I was not coming across anything I disagreed with. I need not have worried, as Dave saved his kicker for the end when he was discussing whether 50 megapixels are really needed. This, of course, has been the subject of one of our discussions here on this very forum. While I concur that such a high resolution can be occasionally useful for cropping heavily into an image, I was amused by his description of "sanctimonious super-togs who claim they always get it right in camera". It looks as though I have been pigeon-holed.
Do read Dave's review, which I found informative. It has not put me off the camera as I was never interested in it, mainly due to my irritaing habit of trying to get the shot correctly composed in the camera, of course. What it has done is question whether China is a suitable destination for tourist travel due to the high levels of pollution which seem to extend over much of the country.