Camera History

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Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

Camera History

Postby Mike Farley » Tue 26 Jan 2016, 08:46

An article about a visit to the vaults of the George Eastman Museum in Rochester, NY where all sorts of wonders are stored, including one of the earliest DSLRs. There is an alternative view to the accepted version about the demise of Kodak, to which I do not entirely subscribe. It is well known that Kodak failed to adapt, but the piece claims that it was in the process of doing so, it just did not do it quickly enough. Back in the early days of digital when the most affordable cameras were compacts, time after time Kodak's products were coming top in comparative reviews. But my, those cameras did look odd and somehow managed to lack appeal. The article states that Kodak was primarily a film* company and I do not think that it ever really understood how to market the more sophisticated cameras. ... aults.html

* From which it made substantial profits. The packaging cost more to produce than the contents apparently**. :o :shock:

** A friend used to work for one of the cosmetic companies and the same applies there. If make-up ever goes digital, those manufacturers are doomed. ;)

Mike Farley
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