Sensor Sizes

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Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

Sensor Sizes

Postby Mike Farley » Wed 20 Jan 2016, 08:39

There is a discussion about sensor sizes over at The Online Photographer which is notable, even if only for mentioning former club member Kenneth Mees for work he did in the 1930s. ... -size.html

It might help those who are wondering about which size sensor is best for them, although for me that is a rather pointless debate best left to those who wish to discuss the minutiae with each other on forums such as DPReview. Most manufacturers who have introduced digital only systems have opted for crop sensors, which seem to offer the best compromise in terms of overall performance, equipment size and cost. Sure, full frame sensors are better* when it comes to limiting depth of field, diffraction and high ISO, but cost more with bodies and particularly the lenses being larger than the crop sensor equivalents. As much as anything, a lot comes down to marketing with companies such as Nikon and Sony promoting full frame as the gear costs more which in turn makes it more profitable.

* You will note that I have omitted high megapixel counts, which are mainly beneficial for those making really large prints. For most purposes, 16 MP or even 12 MP is sufficient for an A3 print.

Mike Farley
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