ISO 3,280,000?
Posted: Wed 13 Jan 2016, 09:14
One of the headlines for the new Nikon D5 is its impossibly top ISO of 3,280,000. For those who specialise in shooting black cats in darkened cellars, what results can they expect? Petapixel via Nikon Rumors has the answer. The top native ISO of the camera is a mere 102,400, with the further steps to the top ISO being in the extended range. That's the the equivalent of pushing film in development, so you can expect image quality to suffer. No one has yet been able to publish any photographs taken with the camera, so this report relies on shots of the image review on the rear screen. It does give an idea of what the results will be like and as you would expect anything taken at 3,280,000 is incredibly noisy, although the images taken at the lowest extended setting of 204,800 look as though they could be useable and even 409,600 does not seem too bad. ... o-3280000/
Speaking as someone who does not owna camera which exceeds ISO 6400 and limits auto ISO to 3,200, I have rarely felt the need to have anything faster for the type of photography I do. There are very few situations where an aesthetically pleasing image will be possible when light levels are vitually non existent, although I can see the benefit for documentary photography. The paparazzi will undoubtedly love the D5. Celebrities won't. ... o-3280000/
Speaking as someone who does not owna camera which exceeds ISO 6400 and limits auto ISO to 3,200, I have rarely felt the need to have anything faster for the type of photography I do. There are very few situations where an aesthetically pleasing image will be possible when light levels are vitually non existent, although I can see the benefit for documentary photography. The paparazzi will undoubtedly love the D5. Celebrities won't.