A complete system with 80 mm lens will cost $49k, which will probably work out at around £40k once UK taxes are taken into account. That would just be the start of the expense as it will require a well specified computer to process the Raw** files and a top end printer to output the images. A monitor to show the images full size at 100% resolution does not yet exist, nor is one likely to in the foreseeable future.
http://www.dpreview.com/news/0998933437 ... -with-sony
For those curious to know what a 100 MP image looks like, Luminous landscape has some downloadable JPEG examples wich come in at over 17 megabytes, but you will need a subscription to see them as they are behind the paywall.
* The sensor has been designed in conjunction with Sony, so it is possible that these features will be available in the next generation of sensors for the cameras most of us can actually afford.
** Come on, who is going to shoot JPEG only with this thing?