Canon camera repair experience

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Paul Heester
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Canon camera repair experience

Postby Paul Heester » Fri 20 Nov 2015, 16:53

For those who came to the Peak District you may remember I foolishly slipped on some rocks which caused my Canon 60D - around my neck at the time - to swing and hit said rocks causing the LCD to smash. Apart from that it operated perfectly fine for the rest of the trip!

I spoke to the nice people at who are based in Colchester as both them and Canon Borehamwood (mentioned by Iggy) are certified to repair Canons. They quoted a price to replace the LCD, which included return postage. So I posted on Monday via special delivery and received a confirmation email on Tuesday. Then received a further email on Thursday confirming it had been fixed. I spoke to them to arrange payment and it was couriered to my work office for receipt today (Friday).

So overall Im very impressed with their service and also liked fact I didnt have to complete a long form, they just needed a covering letter with what is wrong and my contact details.

Should a similar fate occur to any members (using Canon) I would recommend them highly. Or just keep avoiding slippery rocks :roll:
Mike Farley
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Re: Canon camera repair experience

Postby Mike Farley » Sat 21 Nov 2015, 08:26

Thanks for the feedback, Paul. It is gratifying to know both that you received such good service and presumably the camera was an economic repair. Something positive at least to come out of an unfortunate experience in the Peak District. You have taken one for the team!

Mike Farley
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Re: Canon camera repair experience

Postby Franke07 » Sat 21 Nov 2015, 13:41

There we were thinking you were angling for an early Christmas pressie! :D Glad it worked out well and there was a positive outcome, thank you for sharing the recommendation.
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Re: Canon camera repair experience

Postby Iggy » Sat 21 Nov 2015, 14:11

Paul, Good to know that your Canon 60D was repaired in a timely fashion.

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