Landscape Photographer of the Year 2015 Results
Posted: Mon 19 Oct 2015, 14:46
by Mike Farley
The winner is below, others can be seen at the link.
Re: Landscape Photographer of the Year 2015 Results
Posted: Tue 20 Oct 2015, 01:04
by davidc
Some of those are pretty good though the winner is relatively ordinary in comparison and the youth winner is fairly cliched. But for some of the others you could be forgiven for thinking it's not the UK!
I wonder if there will be any controversy this year

Re: Landscape Photographer of the Year 2015 Results
Posted: Tue 20 Oct 2015, 08:02
by Mike Farley
davidc wrote:Some of those are pretty good though the winner is relatively ordinary in comparison and the youth winner is fairly cliched.
I must admit that I thought much the same, but posted without a comment in case it was just me. Some of the shots did seem a little overworked and maybe a more natural look would have been better?
Re: Landscape Photographer of the Year 2015 Results
Posted: Tue 20 Oct 2015, 13:06
by Mike Farley
I have just seen some of the top shots in The Sunday Times' magazine where they look a lot better than on the website, even with standard commercial printing. What I had not realised was that the winning shot was taken when there was snow on the beach and clifftops behind, an unusual event especially in Dorset where it was taken. Not that I think that is sufficient for it to be singled out ahead of everything else. I can quite imagine some of the judges we see at the club giving it 9 .......