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Monster Lens
Posted: Sat 17 Oct 2015, 08:40
by Mike Farley
What is really striking about the latest Zeiss Otus optic is the sheer size of the thing, which is enormous for 28 mm even if it does open up to f/1.4. The designers have really had to go to extreme lengths to combat the laws of physics in order to obtain optimum image quality. Ming Thein's review, link below, shows it attached to a camera which gives a better impression of the scale of this monster. Thein reports that it has a definite impact on the handling, which is hardly surprising. ... 8-14-otus/
Re: Monster Lens
Posted: Sat 17 Oct 2015, 08:47
by Mike Farley
Thom Hogan has a sight unseen comment which also refers to this lens' size, 95 mm filter and 3 lbs. ... izing.htmlThe good news is that if you really want it, you will have plenty of time to save up for its undoubtedly not inconsiderable cost as the lens will not be available until well into 2016.
Re: Monster Lens
Posted: Sun 18 Oct 2015, 16:06
by davidc
I'm waiting for the 20mm 1.4 Sigma instead

Re: Monster Lens
Posted: Sun 18 Oct 2015, 17:06
by Mike Farley
davidc wrote:I'm waiting for the 20mm 1.4 Sigma instead


Although it will be kinder on your back.

Re: Monster Lens
Posted: Mon 19 Oct 2015, 02:40
by davidc
And wallet!
Re: Monster Lens
Posted: Mon 19 Oct 2015, 07:42
by Mike Farley