Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2015: The Shortlisted Finalists

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Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2015: The Shortlisted Finalists

Postby Iggy » Sat 10 Oct 2015, 13:20

Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2015: First Look At The Shortlisted Finalists
http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2015/08 ... 54396.html

Some wonderful images!!

Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2015-16 exhibition
The Natural History Museum
16 October 2015 - 10 April 2016


I have got a media pass for this coming Wednesday that gives one the opportunity to speak individually to all the photographers and then to partake in the public question and answer session with the overall winner after the presentation.

Really looking forward to this event.


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