Mees Trophy - June 2015

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Mees Trophy - June 2015

Postby Iggy » Tue 30 Jun 2015, 13:12

I was hoping to at least see on the CCC website the winner, the 2 runner ups and the 3 commendations images if not all the entries from the Mees Trophy. How many entries were there? I sadly missed the evening of the competition as I was away in the US and have just returned today. At the last members' evening, putting all digital competition entries on the website was mooted.
See you all at tomorrow's meeting.
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Re: Mees Trophy - June 2015

Postby davidb » Tue 30 Jun 2015, 14:49

Hi Iggy. Hope you had a good trip to the USA.

Ashley Shepherd who looks after the web-site wasn't at last weeks meeting as he was due to leave for France the following day for a week. He may be back for tomorrows meeting and we can query him then. I'm also after him as I've got some pictures for the members gallery.

It's an Audio/Visual evening tomorrow presented by Dave Rayers. I've no idea what he'll be doing.

David A Beard.
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Paul Heester
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Re: Mees Trophy - June 2015

Postby Paul Heester » Tue 30 Jun 2015, 14:58

From memory I know that Rose Atkinson's shot of an owl won first place, with Graham's image of a girl having paint thrown at her getting second. I cannot remember third place. Another of Rose's shots of a butterfly got a commended.
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Re: Mees Trophy - June 2015

Postby Iggy » Tue 30 Jun 2015, 22:17

Thanks David and Paul for your replies.
I have only been at the club for one DPI competition, so it is always helpful to see and learn from all the entries and judges comments. Just looking at past posts I see that Paul had won the Mees Competition twice in a row! Well done.
Hope to see all this year's entries if possible.

Great US trip with an event packed day and a half in Chicago (Shedd Aquarium, Art Museum, Architecture boat trip and Jazz club all in 2 hour slots). Then a science meeting in Big Sky Montana for five and a half days and then tree days round Yellowstone park that included a photographic tour (5.30 am to 11 am). Great photo opportunities through out which resulted in a few thousand images looking for the dozen or so with that special magic. I will have to be a lot more selective on the next trip and restrict myself to two 16 gb cards as opposed to the two 32 gb cards that I used this time.

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Re: Mees Trophy - June 2015

Postby davidc » Wed 01 Jul 2015, 03:44

I've long requested that images for our competitions be posted on the forums and, if memory serves, the reason they are not is because sometimes the more succesful images are used in inter-club competitions. The idea is that posting them here may somehow lead to our competitors gaining an advantage.

I don't really agree with that logic and think celebrating the success of our members is more important! I'm also unclear what advantage other clubs can get from seeing our entries first - either they have better photos than we do, or vice versa. I can't see how getting a heads up affects the standard of photography in other clubs!

I also like looking at photos :)
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Mike Farley
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Re: Mees Trophy - June 2015

Postby Mike Farley » Wed 01 Jul 2015, 08:34

davidc wrote:I've long requested that images for our competitions be posted on the forums and, if memory serves, the reason they are not is because sometimes the more succesful images are used in inter-club competitions. The idea is that posting them here may somehow lead to our competitors gaining an advantage.

I don't really agree with that logic and think celebrating the success of our members is more important! I'm also unclear what advantage other clubs can get from seeing our entries first - either they have better photos than we do, or vice versa. I can't see how getting a heads up affects the standard of photography in other clubs!

I also like looking at photos :)

The top ranked DPIs are usually shown on the club's website and there is a considerable archive of these, but this is less easy for prints as there is currently no requirement for entrants to submit digital vesions of their images, so someone would have to obtain them.

I do not see that publishing our best work is an issue, but I would be more reluctant to have inter-club competition panels on general view until the competition is complete. There is no reason that I can see why they should not be displayed so that only club members can view them, either password protected on the website or on a forum here to which only members have access.

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Re: Mees Trophy - June 2015

Postby Iggy » Wed 01 Jul 2015, 10:25

Hi DavidC & Mike,

I've long requested that images for our competitions be posted on the forums

There is no reason that I can see why they should not be displayed so that only club members can view them, either password protected on the website or on a forum here to which only members have access.

That is a great idea and a good time to start with our end of year MEES Competition submissions subject to committee approval. Graham L collected all the dpis and they are ready to go.

this is less easy for prints as there is currently no requirement for entrants to submit digital versions of their images, so someone would have to obtain them.

Not being able to see the Print images on line is a great loss to the CCC members, both who have submitted but also to the members at large who can only view them from a distance during the competition.

The MASTERS Competition on 8th July would be a great time to initiate submission of a dpi with the print for display of winners for the public and all prints for members view only. It is no hardship to those submitting prints as they already have the dpi! Perhaps this could be discussed briefly at the meeting today, which if initiated would put prints on a parity with the dpi submissions that get all the publicity at the moment. This might even lead to more member participation in the print competitions that do require so much more work to prepare for (such as acquiring & cutting mount board, etc, etc), particularly for the uninitiated like me.

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Re: Mees Trophy - June 2015

Postby GrahamL » Wed 01 Jul 2015, 11:44

Hi folks,

These were the images awarded a place or highly commended by the judge last week (image name and creator):

1st - Winner of the Mees Trophy, DPI of the year: 'Tawny owl' by Rose Atkinson
2nd - 'How to become colourfully wet' by Graham Land
3rd - 'New Forest Fungi' by Tina Nuthall

Highly Commended
'Butterfly impressions' by Rose Atkinnson
'Portrait of a King' by Peter Boughton
'Table Talk' by Graham Land

Just to confirm. Di Centra, the software used to present the images, provides an export function to produced web-sized images and thumbs thumbs of the pictures awarded a place or commended. This is routinely done a day or so after the presentation, Ashley should be finding the set for the 2015 Mees Trophy in his mailbox on his return.

Hope helps,

Mike Farley
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Re: Mees Trophy - June 2015

Postby Mike Farley » Wed 01 Jul 2015, 14:33

Iggy wrote:It is no hardship to those submitting prints as they already have the dpi!

Whilst I am not aware of anyone who currently enters images shot on film into the various competitions for which prints are eligible, there is an assumption that will always be a digital version of every print.

Iggy wrote:The MASTERS Competition on 8th July would be a great time to initiate submission of a dpi with the print for display of winners for the public and all prints for members view only.

For very good reason, only the authors of certificated shots are ever acknowledged and I for one would not wish to see lower scoring images put on display after the event, even if it is solely for the benefit of other club members. I would also point out that next week's Master Trophy is for both prints and DPIs, so it is theorectically possible that there will be no high scoring prints.

Mike Farley
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Re: Mees Trophy - June 2015

Postby Iggy » Wed 01 Jul 2015, 18:17

Hi Rose, Graham, Tina & Peter,
Just like to say well done in the CCC dpi Mees Competition and look forward to seeing your images when they are placed on the CCC website.
Kind regards,

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