Here's an idea from Lasersoft which takes some of the hassle out of creating printer profiles, but it does require a photo scanner and Lasersoft's fairly expensive software. Hand scanning test patches can be a pain, but unlike monitor calibration printer profiling only needs to be done once. Paper manufacturers generic profiles tend to be quite good, although I have not always found this to be the case. In those instances I have satisfactorily resolved the issue by using my ColorMunki which is easy to use; allowing for print drying times a profile can be created in around 30 minutes. For about the cost of the Lasersoft software, I have a device which also takes care of monitor calibration.
Bespoke profiles are inexpensive, with Permajet and Fotospeed offering them free for their own products, so you will need to create a lot of profiles to justify the outlay. I doubt if many people will ever use that many papers. ... alibration
Printer Profiling
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