Best Cameras for Street Photography

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Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

Best Cameras for Street Photography

Postby Mike Farley » Mon 15 Jun 2015, 13:59

Damien Demolder, the 2013 Wratten Lecturer and former editor of Amateur Photographer, has published an article about the best cameras for street photography. His conclusion is that just about any camera can be used, although he does point out that DSLRs are more likely to be noticed. A fact which many will be already be aware of. Even compact system cameras do not necessarily escape attention if they look like DSLRs. On more than one occasion when wielding my diminutive Panasonic G3, which cost all of £280, strangers have asked if I am a pro photographer. ... otography/

Mike Farley
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