Posted: Sun 19 Apr 2015, 12:55
Every one who knows me will be aware just how much I really need a new camera*, let alone a completely new system, so it was with some surprise** that I have just found myself pulling the trigger on a Fuji X-Pro1.*** What prompted this were the various reports of its image quality and suggestions that it is becoming something of a classic, together with what looks like an absurdly good deal from Wex, amongst others. Not just a camera, but two lenses, a never ready leather case and 12 months interest free loan. OK, the 18 mm lens is not one of the system's best and not an ideal focal length at 28 mm FFE****, but is still a reasonable performer and the 27 mm pancake looks like a cracker. ... y/p1528937
It is true that I have really got on with the camera. I first saw it at Focus-on-Imaging in 2012 shortly after it was announced and it is fair to say that Fuji had not quite got on top of the AF. Maps would have to be redrawn as the continents drifted out of position before the camera would achieve focus.***** That impression was not helped the following year when I borrowed one for an afternoon. Although Fuji had issued new firmware to speed up the AF, it had not been applied to the camera I was using. That I was doing street photography did not help matters much, either. At launch, the camera had a number of other usability issues, but it is to Fuji's credit****** that it has been steadily resolving these in so far as the camera's mechanical and electronic functioning allows. The offer I have taken up is, of course, a stock disposal quite probably ahead of a X-Pro2 launch later this year, so there is some irony that the camera is only now approaching what it should originally have been.
So, an experiment then. I reckon if it does not work out I can sell the items individually for more or less what I have paid and finally either put an end to my curiosity about using a hybrid viewfinder and the capabilities of the X-Trans sensor or give myself a whole new headache. More updates once the boxes turn up.*******
* Somewhat embrassingly, the count is now four so far this year alone, but in my defence one was very much unexpected and I have since given it away.
** Maybe not that much of a surprise.
*** Well, you have to do something while the forum is down, right?
**** Full frame equivalent
***** I was going to write "snap into focus", but pun aside snap did not seem quite right for the leisurely way the lens adjusted itself.
****** I would still argue that many of these should have been resolved prior to launch, but at least Fuji has kept the faith, although it needed to do so if its cameras were to gain acceptance.
******* And finally, a record number of footnotes for a post. ... y/p1528937
It is true that I have really got on with the camera. I first saw it at Focus-on-Imaging in 2012 shortly after it was announced and it is fair to say that Fuji had not quite got on top of the AF. Maps would have to be redrawn as the continents drifted out of position before the camera would achieve focus.***** That impression was not helped the following year when I borrowed one for an afternoon. Although Fuji had issued new firmware to speed up the AF, it had not been applied to the camera I was using. That I was doing street photography did not help matters much, either. At launch, the camera had a number of other usability issues, but it is to Fuji's credit****** that it has been steadily resolving these in so far as the camera's mechanical and electronic functioning allows. The offer I have taken up is, of course, a stock disposal quite probably ahead of a X-Pro2 launch later this year, so there is some irony that the camera is only now approaching what it should originally have been.
So, an experiment then. I reckon if it does not work out I can sell the items individually for more or less what I have paid and finally either put an end to my curiosity about using a hybrid viewfinder and the capabilities of the X-Trans sensor or give myself a whole new headache. More updates once the boxes turn up.*******
* Somewhat embrassingly, the count is now four so far this year alone, but in my defence one was very much unexpected and I have since given it away.
** Maybe not that much of a surprise.

*** Well, you have to do something while the forum is down, right?

**** Full frame equivalent
***** I was going to write "snap into focus", but pun aside snap did not seem quite right for the leisurely way the lens adjusted itself.
****** I would still argue that many of these should have been resolved prior to launch, but at least Fuji has kept the faith, although it needed to do so if its cameras were to gain acceptance.
******* And finally, a record number of footnotes for a post.