Topic Listing

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Topic Listing

Postby toms » Tue 24 Mar 2015, 17:06

In going through the forum and associated topics it seems that some now dated topics are blocking out current and potentially interesting/important topics or threads.

Accepting that some topics are generic and therefore have currency, would it be possible to move those topics to a fenced off area so that only the latest topics appear at the top of the list?


Mike Farley
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Re: Topic Listing

Postby Mike Farley » Tue 24 Mar 2015, 18:38

toms wrote:In going through the forum and associated topics it seems that some now dated topics are blocking out current and potentially interesting/important topics or threads.

Accepting that some topics are generic and therefore have currency, would it be possible to move those topics to a fenced off area so that only the latest topics appear at the top of the list?



I am afraid that I do not understand this comment. By default, threads with the most recent posts are listed first. The only exceptions are the "How To" stickies in each forum and in the Announcements forum where some future dated events are posted as stickies with an appropriate expiry date so that they can always be easily found at the top of the list. This ensures that they remain visible for the duration of their currency and do not get overtaken by other announcements. In addition, a "Techniques and Tutorials" forum was added recently so that there is a small repository for information which people might find useful and could get lost as the threads date. There are also a number of standard searches at the top Board Index level to find unanswered, unread, active and new posts so that the latest posts can be found easily.

Do you have any examples of where you think that the latest topics are not being displayed first which are not covered by the above?

Mike Farley
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Re: Topic Listing

Postby toms » Tue 24 Mar 2015, 18:49


I might have jumped the gun on this one but the main observation was based on the General forum. I was concerned that new issues were seemingly getting lost under 'older' topics.

I accept what you say about the other forums but noticeably postings on existing or older threads which may have some limited interest can appear over the top of new topics.

Only an observation on my part which I accept might be off key.

Thank you for your response, I'll be quiet now.

Tom :|
Mike Farley
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Re: Topic Listing

Postby Mike Farley » Tue 24 Mar 2015, 18:56

toms wrote:Mike,

I accept what you say about the other forums but noticeably postings on existing or older threads which may have some limited interest can appear over the top of new topics.

So what you want is new topics to be listed ahead of older ones to which there have been responses?

Mike Farley
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Re: Topic Listing

Postby toms » Tue 24 Mar 2015, 19:15

Hi Mike,

I suppose that's about it in a nutshell. It just seemed to me that new topics which might be of general interest or important could get lost when they appear below ongoing threads.

Not a major issue, just an observation. I'm as guilty as a lot of people for not logging onto the forum as often as I should and as a result miss some quite interesting topics. Yes the obvious answer is log on more often but life's sometimes just not like that. :)


Mike Farley
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Re: Topic Listing

Postby Mike Farley » Tue 24 Mar 2015, 20:39

toms wrote:Hi Mike,

I suppose that's about it in a nutshell. It just seemed to me that new topics which might be of general interest or important could get lost when they appear below ongoing threads.

Not a major issue, just an observation. I'm as guilty as a lot of people for not logging onto the forum as often as I should and as a result miss some quite interesting topics. Yes the obvious answer is log on more often but life's sometimes just not like that. :)

You are correct that the generic searches will not work unless you are logged in, but it is possible to set up your browser to remember your login credentials which makes it a matter of a couple of clicks.

Mike Farley
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Mike Farley
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Re: Topic Listing

Postby Mike Farley » Tue 24 Mar 2015, 20:44

A further thought is that you can subscribe to a topic in which you are interested, but yes it does involve that pesky login. ;)

Essentially, the first new post will trigger an alert, but you will not receive any further notifications until you login again. That's the only way that the system can keep track as it has no other mechanism to reset itself. What we need is psychic software! :mrgreen:

Mike Farley
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Re: Topic Listing

Postby toms » Wed 25 Mar 2015, 09:43

Thank you Mike, it was only an observation and not intended as a criticism.

Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
Joined: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 16:38

Re: Topic Listing

Postby Mike Farley » Wed 25 Mar 2015, 10:28

toms wrote:Thank you Mike, it was only an observation and not intended as a criticism.


No offence taken. What I had not considered was that some people are not using all the features of the forum, which I agree makes it harder to navigate. I apologise if anything in my responses suggested anything other than wishing to help resolve a query.

Mike Farley
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