Mees Trophy - June 2015

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Re: Mees Trophy - June 2015

Postby davidb » Mon 06 Jul 2015, 10:43

My problem at the moment is space to store a personal cutter at home that I will only use 6 to 8 times a year.

That could be a problem for a lot of us.

Council is looking to upgrade the storage facilities so keeping a cutter at the hall should be no problem. It could be brought out and set up at any club meeting but more especially at members evenings when it won't disturb normal proceedings.

David A Beard.
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Re: Mees Trophy - June 2015

Postby Rose » Mon 06 Jul 2015, 14:16

davidb wrote:
My problem at the moment is space to store a personal cutter at home that I will only use 6 to 8 times a year.

That could be a problem for a lot of us.

Council is looking to upgrade the storage facilities so keeping a cutter at the hall should be no problem. It could be brought out and set up at any club meeting but more especially at members evenings when it won't disturb normal proceedings.

This is an example of what I had in mind for more practical activity. I would like to see a couple of members' evenings a year given over to 3 or 4 'stalls' set up in the hall with members helping each other with cutting & mounting, camera maintenance such as sensor cleaning, monitor calibration etc...
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Re: Mees Trophy - June 2015

Postby Iggy » Mon 06 Jul 2015, 16:18

I did a bit of research on the cutters last night but the forum would not let me put full website details on.
Trying again while watching Andy Murray winning his tennis match!
No - Still will not send.
Will remove webpage details and see if it will go!
Will remove size details and see if that will let travel up the internet.
Meanwhile Andy Murray is now 2 sets up!

Longridge Signature Maxi System £538.95 - For A0

Longridge Autograph Plus System - £265.50 For A1

Longridge Autograph Midi System - £220.50 For A2

More economic cutters include

Logan Compact Classic Mat Cutter 301-1 - Now £99.8 For A2

Logan Compact Elite Mat Cutter 350-1 Now £124.99 For A2
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Re: Mees Trophy - June 2015

Postby toms » Mon 06 Jul 2015, 17:13


As David has pointed out there may well be sufficient funds to accommodate such a purchase. I have the simple hand held cutters and really they are pretty useless unless you use a new blade each time.

Rose has hit the nail on the head and is correct in the type of varied activities that we could put together on some of the members' evenings.

To keep the thoughts going, Wally and the council are just about to finalise activities for next season and as previously mentioned at the club some activities could be separated out (e.g. some in the club room and some outside or a meetup).

If we are to go down that road then obviously one person or the council alone could not manage everything. To that end it would be a good for the club to draw on individual expertise whereby different members could run different activities. With that in mind the obvious solution would be to set up some small sub-committees specifically for those members evenings. Any offers?

Regards to all.

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Re: Mees Trophy - June 2015

Postby Rose » Mon 06 Jul 2015, 17:17

Tom - I'd be happy to assist in planning some members' evenings.
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Re: Mees Trophy - June 2015

Postby toms » Mon 06 Jul 2015, 18:39

Hi Rose,

That is very, very much appreciated. I'm concerned that if we don't pull together on next years programme then it could all fall apart and we'd end up back at square one.

You're a star. :D

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Re: Mees Trophy - June 2015

Postby Iggy » Tue 07 Jul 2015, 10:00

Hi Tom,
I guess not all CCC members access their Forum.
Perhaps an email circular to the members will get you a better response on help for running workshops.
I have no experience with manipulating raw data.
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Re: Mees Trophy - June 2015

Postby Iggy » Tue 07 Jul 2015, 23:46

Back to the Mees Competition proper:
Just seen the Mees Competition winning images on the website now. Good to see that two of the three placed images are by standard class members.

Unfortunately, I wasn't at the judging as I was away in the US, but would like to know what the judge said about my trio of art museum entries (two different artists and some guests in front of paintings) to aid in my learning process. If any one can remember any of the judges comments about the images please help me out by letting me know either by this forum or otherwise. No need to spare my blushes!
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Re: Mees Trophy - June 2015

Postby Iggy » Thu 09 Jul 2015, 22:04

Thanks Paul, for kindly giving me some of the judge's feedback on my Metropolitan Art Museum images submitted for the Mees Trophy which was very helpful. In a closed tight environment, the judge was asking for impossible positioning of the camera that would have disturbed all and sundry. Still, it is a learning experience that I would have missed but for you. Thanks again. Kind regards, Iggy

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