Mees Trophy - June 2015

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Mike Farley
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Re: Mees Trophy - June 2015

Postby Mike Farley » Sun 05 Jul 2015, 10:39

Let's discuss your board requirements next time I am at the club. The board is A0 in size (44" x 33") which is sufficient to make four 16" x 20" mounts. I have two colours, White and Antique White, which are normally best for mono and colour prints respectively. Due to the size of the board, which can make it tricky to handle, I would prefer that you collect it from my house rather than it be brought to the club. If you do come here, I will happily give you a mounting demonstration using my Longridge mount cutter. I might even be persuaded to chuck in a cup of coffee. 8-)

Mike Farley
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Re: Mees Trophy - June 2015

Postby toms » Sun 05 Jul 2015, 11:21

Hi All,

Some interesting postings here. To save confusion etc. please consider the following points:

1. Mountboards have been requested by several members but only now has Mike kindly stepped up to the plate. Because of previous requests members of the Council are about to put an order together on behalf of the club, so based on Mike's comments I'll get the relevant members to liaise with him.

2. The members' evening on 17 June was, from a planning perspective, a great success. Every member who was able to attend contributed openly regarding the format of the website, forum, competition scoring, competition feedback, members' evenings, lectures, attitudes, image feedback and the club in general. Some aspects of the feedback are resulting in a number of changes to next seasons programme. As an example some evenings might have dual activities (e.g. basic Photoshop in the hall and a meetup elsewhere). A Council meeting planned for 21 July will confirm some of these arrangements at which time we will be able to fully brief the members. Until that time it would be helpful if debate on the subject could be kept to a minimum else we'll get nowhere. There will be plenty of time to comment when the council has addressed all issues raised by the membership.

3. There is discussion within the council (based on members' feedback) to either reduce the number of competitions (can't see this happening next season due to judges already being booked), changing the marking system (the PAGB suggestion is interesting) but moreover issuing more 1st, 2nd 3rd certificates on each competition evening.

4. It is planned to give new members (or at least those in the standard class) an opportunity to submit images for internal feedback from members prior to submitting them for competitions. Similarly after Round 4, we could allow entries that have not scored 10 or more under the current scoring system to be re-entered for the last 2 rounds with any modifications necessary. There is also the possibility of re-introducing an 'Intermediate' class.

Postings on the forum are very interesting and can be used to gauge feelings or to float valid suggestions and perhaps it should be left there, especially as many of them would require an SGM or the AGM to modify rules. Don't forget we will be having an SGM early on 23 September where much that has been discussed in these postings will be formally put to the membership.

I hope this helps.

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Re: Mees Trophy - June 2015

Postby davidb » Sun 05 Jul 2015, 11:42

Mike Farley wrote: If you do come here, I will happily give you a mounting demonstration using my Longridge mount cutter.

Mike's mention of the Longridge reminded me that the Longridge company advertises in the Exhibition catalogue. So I thought I'd check it out.

There are a number of useful short videos explaining the various models and tutorials explaining the use of various parts of the cutters. Take a look.

I'm wondering whether the club would consider purchasing one of the Longridge cutters for the use of members who don't already have one (or similar). I suggest the Maxi ;)

David A Beard.
Mike Farley
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Re: Mees Trophy - June 2015

Postby Mike Farley » Sun 05 Jul 2015, 11:45

toms wrote:1. Mountboards have been requested by several members but only now has Mike kindly stepped up to the plate. Because of previous requests members of the Council are about to put an order together on behalf of the club, so based on Mike's comments I'll get the relevant members to liaise with him.

I have been offering to do a mountboard order for a while now (see link below), but this is the first indication of any interest I have seen. If Council already has something in hand, I am happy to stand aside if that makes things easier.


If I do go ahead with an order, as on previous occasions I will ask for all requests to be submitted via the forum as that keeps everything in one place and allows everyone the opportunity to keep track of what is happening.

Mike Farley
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Re: Mees Trophy - June 2015

Postby toms » Sun 05 Jul 2015, 11:54


Regarding mountboard, thank you for offering to collate an order. My concern was that two orders could be going in, whereas one would suffice. Unfortunately not everyone logs onto the forum and the requests to which I referred came from members attending club evenings.

I'll have a word with those on the council who were considering getting an order together and ask them to liaise with you. What was of slight concern was that some new members are unaware of the different colours or finishes of the boards and as we know the requisite number of boards need to be ordered for each variety. Those that have some boards left could bring samples along to show the finishes.

Perhaps this is something that could be addressed prior to you talk in a couple of weeks or at the following members' evening.


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Re: Mees Trophy - June 2015

Postby Iggy » Sun 05 Jul 2015, 16:59

Mike wrote:
Let's discuss your board requirements next time I am at the club. The board is A0 in size (44" x 33") which is sufficient to make four 16" x 20" mounts. I have two colours, White and Antique White, which are normally best for mono and colour prints respectively. Due to the size of the board, which can make it tricky to handle, I would prefer that you collect it from my house rather than it be brought to the club. If you do come here, I will happily give you a mounting demonstration using my Longridge mount cutter. I might even be persuaded to chuck in a cup of coffee.

Hello Mike,
Thank you very much for your kind offer of some mount card, which I may well take up.
I did have a chat with the judge Kirsty Ralfs (as I usually do) at the Print of the Year Competition (10 June) and she was of the opinion that white or antique white was suitable for all the images on display that night including the monochrome images. So I will go with that. Talk more at the next meeting.

Mike, you have been very welcoming ever since I joined CCC some two months ago. You were also very helpful in getting me through my first submissions to the 6th DPI competition with several long emails even when you were on holiday, That is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Mike Farley
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Re: Mees Trophy - June 2015

Postby Mike Farley » Sun 05 Jul 2015, 19:20

Thanks for your kind comments, Iggy. I am always happy to help out whenever I can.

Antique White has a slightly warmer tone than White, which usually suits colour images a bit better, although I would concur with Kirsty Ralfs that either would work in many circumstances. A few years ago I had a colour print which I had mounted on White card accepted into the SPA bi-ennial exhibition. It looked fine on its own, but slightly out of place when it was hung alongside other images mounted on Antique White. I suppose that "coloured"* my perception and I have followed accepted practice since then.

I am happy to talk further on Wednesday if we are both there.

* If there was a "groan" smilie, naturally I would have added it. :evil:

Mike Farley
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Re: Mees Trophy - June 2015

Postby Iggy » Sun 05 Jul 2015, 22:49

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Re: Mees Trophy - June 2015

Postby Iggy » Sun 05 Jul 2015, 22:52

David said:
I'm wondering whether the club would consider purchasing one of the Longridge cutters for the use of members who don't already have one (or similar). I suggest the Maxi

I agree with David with regard to the CCC purchasing a cutter to provide the non-professional photographers of the club such as me with the facility to enter the Print competitions of the club.

Ideally, for use at the club the cutter would have to be stored at the club and I was wondering what facilities there at for such storage at the hall. While there might not be storage for the largest Longridge Signature Maxi System, hopefully there is some where to store at least a Longridge Autograph Midi System or the similarly sized Logan versions that can handle A2 card that Graham Land uses and recommends.

The CCC balance sheet presented at the Annual General Meeting on 27 May suggests that that this is an affordable necessity but in any case I am willing to contribute 10% of the price to help towards the purchase if necessary.

My problem at the moment is space to store a personal cutter at home that I will only use 6 to 8 times a year.

Kind regards,
Mike Farley
Posts: 7316
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Re: Mees Trophy - June 2015

Postby Mike Farley » Mon 06 Jul 2015, 07:59

Iggy wrote:....... the non-professional photographers of the club ........

That applies to all of us. :D

Mike Farley
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