Latest PAGB News

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Re: Latest PAGB News

Postby davidc » Wed 22 Jul 2015, 03:54

Mike Farley wrote:Now I am confused. I initially tried to find the group using Google, but that returned a lot of irrelevant links to photography clubs' Facebook pages. I found it easily enough once I logged into Facebook* and saw a number of your posts there. Perhaps I did not scroll far enough back to see the comments to which you refer (or have they been deleted?), but you seem to be getting a friendly reception. Your article about distinctions was well received, for example.

Yep anything controversial was deleted from the UK Club Photography group. I was about to do it myself but found it had already gone. There was another thread in one of the critique groups where I asked why we have multiple highly focused groups instead of one catch-all group - that one was much longer but now I can't see that either, but I was also chewed out there by people too :roll:

What I will say is that on my travels I meet a lot of friendly people at camera clubs and the occasional pillock who thinks they know it all. The latter ruin it for the others as I make it a rule not to return to a club where someone has given me a hostile reception. I am giving my time freely, charging only travel expenses, and that is not something I need. Reasoned debate is one thing, rudeness is something else entirely. So far, out of all those I have visited, only three clubs have managed to make it onto the blacklist. A fourth has also managed it, but for a completely different reason, although that came down to another individual who had a narrow view.

Very sensible and similar opinions to myself.

And if you want a Facebook friend, all you need to do is ask! I know plenty of websites where you can buy 1000 friends for $5 ;)
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Mike Farley
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Re: Latest PAGB News

Postby Mike Farley » Wed 22 Jul 2015, 07:54

davidc wrote:Yep anything controversial was deleted from the UK Club Photography group. I was about to do it myself but found it had already gone. There was another thread in one of the critique groups where I asked why we have multiple highly focused groups instead of one catch-all group - that one was much longer but now I can't see that either, but I was also chewed out there by people too :roll:

Who are they censoring, I wonder? The innocent enquirer or the attack dogs?

davidc wrote:And if you want a Facebook friend, all you need to do is ask! I know plenty of websites where you can buy 1000 friends for $5 ;)

I'm tempted. ;)

Mike Farley
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