Mees Trophy - June 2015

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Re: Mees Trophy - June 2015

Postby Rose » Wed 01 Jul 2015, 23:04

Iggy wrote:Hi Rose, Graham, Tina & Peter,
Just like to say well done in the CCC dpi Mees Competition and look forward to seeing your images when they are placed on the CCC website.
Kind regards,

Many thanks Iggy ! :D
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Re: Mees Trophy - June 2015

Postby Iggy » Thu 02 Jul 2015, 10:15

Hi DavidC,
Just wondering if you are entering any dpi images for the coming Master's Trophy?
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Re: Mees Trophy - June 2015

Postby davidc » Thu 02 Jul 2015, 15:25

I don't think I'm allowed, my membership is correspondence only sadly. Thanks for asking though :)
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Mike Farley
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Re: Mees Trophy - June 2015

Postby Mike Farley » Thu 02 Jul 2015, 18:28

davidc wrote:I don't think I'm allowed, my membership is correspondence only sadly.

Your understanding is correct. As a corresponding member you have exactly the same privileges as a full member except that you are not allowed to attend meetings or enter competitions. If you did wish to compete, naturally we would be happy for you to upgrade your membership and given your association with the club we would always welcome you as a guest.

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Re: Mees Trophy - June 2015

Postby davidc » Fri 03 Jul 2015, 03:38

Mike Farley wrote:For very good reason, only the authors of certificated shots are ever acknowledged and I for one would not wish to see lower scoring images put on display after the event, even if it is solely for the benefit of other club members.


As an aside, I've always hoped/wished that people would use the forum BEFORE a competition to get feedback from the rest of the club. I think that's slow to get traction (only relatively recently has the forum took off in terms of volume of users/useage). Showing examples of what does & doesn't work could help incentivise people to get more involved and benefit from each other.

It doesn't have to be complex or time consuming - we have a club Flickr account, simply create a new album for each competition, bulk upload the images and done. The link can then be shared. It means you don't have to see any "bad" images on the forum if you didn't want to ;)
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Re: Mees Trophy - June 2015

Postby Mike Farley » Fri 03 Jul 2015, 09:33

davidc wrote:
Mike Farley wrote:For very good reason, only the authors of certificated shots are ever acknowledged and I for one would not wish to see lower scoring images put on display after the event, even if it is solely for the benefit of other club members.


To save people's feelings when they submit an image that subsequently gets a poor critique?

davidc wrote:As an aside, I've always hoped/wished that people would use the forum BEFORE a competition to get feedback from the rest of the club. I think that's slow to get traction (only relatively recently has the forum took off in terms of volume of users/useage). Showing examples of what does & doesn't work could help incentivise people to get more involved and benefit from each other.

It doesn't have to be complex or time consuming - we have a club Flickr account, simply create a new album for each competition, bulk upload the images and done. The link can then be shared. It means you don't have to see any "bad" images on the forum if you didn't want to ;)

Like you, I think that the forum is a valuable resource which could help people with their photography and there is a lot of expertise here from which not everyone is benefitting. It is also fun and a lot more friendly than forums where you do not necessarily know the other members in real life.

I have been posting my competition candidates here for a while in my Photo of the Day series, but rarely get any comments. Admittedly I am using the Photo Sharing forum, but I have not always had responses to images I have added to the Image Critique section.

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Re: Mees Trophy - June 2015

Postby Rose » Fri 03 Jul 2015, 16:38

Interesting comment in the latest PAGB newsletter about doing away with marks...

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Mike Farley
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Re: Mees Trophy - June 2015

Postby Mike Farley » Fri 03 Jul 2015, 16:55

I have seen this done elsewhere, with certificates for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and three hon mentions. The club has four competitions per season for each of prints and DPIs, but there is no overall ranking at the end of the season and no trophies are awarded.

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Re: Mees Trophy - June 2015

Postby Rose » Fri 03 Jul 2015, 17:52

Mike Farley wrote:I have seen this done elsewhere, with certificates for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and three hon mentions. The club has four competitions per season for each of prints and DPIs, but there is no overall ranking at the end of the season and no trophies are awarded.

I see no reason why you cannot have final rankings or trophies, if you allocate a nominal score to the remaining entrants. Using our scoring system we could award 8 points - with 9-12 points reserved for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and three hon mentions.
Mike Farley
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Re: Mees Trophy - June 2015

Postby Mike Farley » Fri 03 Jul 2015, 18:39

Rose wrote:I see no reason why you cannot have final rankings or trophies, if you allocate a nominal score to the remaining entrants. Using our scoring system we could award 8 points - with 9-12 points reserved for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and three hon mentions.

Yes, it would probably work, but it would deviate from current practice which does not limit the number of top marks. Depending on the number and quality of the entry, good images could end up going unrewarded.

Mike Farley
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